Deck advice needed
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 21, 2020, 10:40 p.m. by T_Dog345
I could use some help. I have spent the last few hours going through my small collection of cards and picking certain ones that I thought would be neat to implement into some kind of a black and blue deck that does a lot of work with graveyards. I'm pretty new to the game and am not very great at building decks. I literally need somebody to kind of get this list of cards I have picked out (200 or so) and tell me which ones would be good for this final deck list. As i mentioned, I would like the deck to be black and blue with a lot of cards involving graveyard play. I could definitely understand why someone wouldn't want to make a deck for me, but I'm having a really hard time turning 200 cards I really like into a 60 card deck of "the best" ones. I'm not sure how to decide which ones are "the best". Hopefully someone is willing to take time to give me a hand, i'd definitely appreciate it. It'd be cool to have a decent deck ya'know?
if the cards in your list are not your "entire" collection, i'd recommend looking through the unlisted cards again, especially the ones for 4 or less mana. your list has a lotta 5+ mana spells that you probably won't live long enough to cast.
March 22, 2020 2:57 a.m.
Basically what I did was go through all of my blue and black cards and pull out any cards that worked off of graveyards or might work well in a deck or game where there would be a lot of cards (especially creatures) in everyones graveyards. I really like the idea of putting tons of my opponents cards in the graveyard, and then playing off of them by doing things such as casting them from the graveyard for me to control and then swinging at them with a wall of enemies that were once theres. I know I don't have the greatest selection of cards to do that, but those are just about all the cards that I have that generally fit my interests. I don't have a deck built yet. I pretty much have a stack of cards that could potentially be turned into a decent deck with the right deck-smithing, however I'm fairly new to the game and don't really know the next steps in turning this stack of cards into a "deck".
March 22, 2020 3:22 a.m.
I could also list all of my blue and black cards that cost 4 or less mana if it would help. I don't have a huge collection of cards. I'd say a few hundred of each color. Perhaps instead of me posting all of my blue and black cards, maybe there are some certain types of cards in each of those colors that would benefit a little more from me throwing in cheaper costing cards of the chosen type? Hopefully that made some sense lmao
March 22, 2020 3:27 a.m.
a graveyard theme might seem cool, but if you don't have the cards to pull it off efficiently then you're just gonna end up frustrating yourself.
pick a format, then look up what some of the top decks in that format are doing. this will give you an idea of how efficient a card needs to be in that format. if you're playing casual kitchen table magic, you want to focus on efficient creatures and cheap removal spells. spells with cmc 5+ get risky because without mana ramp, (usually found in green) then you likely won't have enough mana to play it because you'll eventually start missing land drops.
March 22, 2020 4:14 p.m.
multimedia says... #7
T_Dog345 make your deck at this site? That's what this site is for. Even if it's not a complete deck instead just a list of cards you have or want to play, it gives people a better place to help you.
Right now we can't see what you want (there's no deck list), what format you're playing, what is the budget for your deck, etc.
March 22, 2020 5:17 p.m.
Magnanimous says... #8
First, there is a difference between GY decks, Reanimator, and decks with GY synergy. I started out in MTG with the Izzet v Golgari duel decks, and I think you should look at the Golgari duel deck as a great example of a GY deck. Full graveyard decks are difficult to build and require tons of synergy.
With GY synergy decks you want to get cards into the graveyard (with enablers such as sacrifice outlets and discard) and take advantage of those cards with synergies (reanimation, delve, etc). You should fine tune it yourself but generally have more 'playable' cards than both enablers and synergy cards so you're never stuck in a position where you cannot do anything because everything relies on having cards in the GY. The game plan I'd suggest is 1) play your (roughly 1-3 CMC) creatures and attack, 2) get cards back from the yard and activate whatever GY synergies you can, 3) win the long game with a massive board of recursive threats.
Reanimator is just a stronger GY synergy decks. Legacy reanimator wants to reanimate as fast as possible, but you should probably focus on staying alive with removal/big creatures as a midrange-ish deck and then try to win with a reanimate finish.
OliveDaPizza says... #2
Do you have a deck already built and you have other cards you might want to put in or is it a case of "I have these cards, but I don't know how to put them all together"?
March 22, 2020 2:52 a.m.