Deck Archetype
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 6, 2022, 1:48 p.m. by Waterboy747
So I was wondering what archetype to identify my deck Black as. Is it Aggro, Midrange, Control, or combo? PLS Help
Chasmolinker says... #4
Aggro has very little interaction. It’s main goal is to empty their hand and win the game before the opponent even gets a 5th land drop.
Combo’s main win-con is a combo that either ends the game on the spot or makes it so that the opponent has one turn to respond before the game is over.
Control wants to prevent your opponent from playing the game. They can’t win if they can’t play anything meaningful. These decks usually win with an evasive creature slowly killing the opponent or by locking them out of the game all together.
Midrange wants to remove the opponents game pieces from the board as quickly as possible while building up their own board state. With things like 1-for-1 removal/discard being key to keeping them alive long enough to present a board state that is difficult for the opponent to deal with. These decks typically can grind out wins mid/late game by gaining card advantage and continuing the attrition game until they can swing in for lethal.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #2
From among those four archetype, I'd go with Midrange. You have plenty of small value creatures that basically are just here to die after they did their job, combined with interaction/removal and some bigger creatures which also mostly produce value. The same is true for those of your spells that aren't removal. You have no big finishers or a lategame plan besides grinding (which rules out control and combo), and your small creatures are pretty terrible attackers.
In this midrange archetype, this definitely qualified as an aristocrats list.
May 6, 2022 2:44 p.m.