Deck Desicions
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 24, 2014, 7:11 p.m. by lotusofblackness
I have a mono blue devotion deck called Mooooooooono blue devotion. I really want to splash green, but what should i take out and put in?
just link it like you would a card, but with hyphens. Mooooooooono blue devotion.
February 24, 2014 7:51 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #4
Simic is awesome! I'm surprised more people aren't playing that right now. I would take out Frostburn Weird and cut back the Master of Waves to two, since less blue mana/devotion means they won't be as powerful.
Green ramp cards would be a good addition, especially Sylvan Caryatid . Master Biomancer and Fathom Mage are both great cards, but they will slow your deck down.
Do you want to keep it as a tempo deck, or go in a different direction?
February 24, 2014 8:01 p.m.
lotusofblackness says... #5
I'm not really sure actually. Those are good cards. How about Kiora, the Crashing Wave
February 24, 2014 9:15 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #6
I didn't think Kiora would see a lot of play, because her cost is so high for such a low loyalty - but she's getting played a lot! If you can keep her alive for a couple of turns and get that emblem, and combine that with some simic evolve creatures, you'll have a ton of stompy power.
February 24, 2014 9:27 p.m.
It's crazy how easy it can be to pop a kiora emblem, especially if your opponent is blowing their few Hero's Downfall 's on the Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Jace, Architect of Thought next thing you know UNLEASH THE KRAKENS! I couldn't help bellowing that the first time I landed a kraken token in an FNM lol
February 24, 2014 10:30 p.m.
I would stay away from cards like Fathom Mage and Master Biomancer . Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love cards like them with tons of potential just waiting to be unlocked, but in an aggro deck like MUD its just not the way to go.
Kiora is absolutely a good choice. She can easily protect you for a turn, cantrips (and sometimes nets you cards), ramps, and is in some cases a win-con. Her follower is also quite good, though I prefer Sylvan Caryatid in most cases due to protection from Drown in Sorrow , spot removal, color fixing and being able to block a small number of early threats. Remember, Searing Blood is a thing...though I guess in MUD, you'd have to worry about that regardless.
Some other simic goodies (that probably don't fit into a deck like yours) would be Prophet of Kruphix , Courser of Kruphix , flash creatures such as Boon Satyr , Skylasher and Shambleshark , and Plasm Capture . Some of these are good in certain matchups, but with all the double G costs, I can imagine it's not worth the splash.
What was your personal reason for wanting to splash G?
February 24, 2014 10:51 p.m.
lotusofblackness says... #9
I really wanted to splash green for kiora, but now that i think of it, i might just want to go full out simic.
Is that a good idea?
February 25, 2014 7:18 a.m.
If you do wish to go full-blown simic, odds are youll need to change your archetype. I think the best part about going with simic is the access to massive amounts of ramp and the big creatures. And obviously that is not the same thing that MUD wants to be going for. I know G/u Monsters or MGD with splash blue was pretty decent since you gained access to Cyclonic Rift , but if you're coming from the other end your changes are much more dramatic.
Also, once you go simic, it's really just so easy to splash white for things like Sphinx's Revelation and Detention Sphere . I know you may not be wanting to go down that route though.
February 25, 2014 7:41 a.m.
lotusofblackness says... #11
Okay, so my friends are all telling me not to play simic. They think that it's a horrible idea.
Their exact words: "If you play this, you will get laughed off of the table at FNM."
I don't know what to do. I told them that people on tapped out are telling me that it's a good idea, but they said this: "Tapped Out is for creativeness in decks. They are telling you to play it because it's innovative and different. Trust me it's not good."
What do you guys think? I made a simic deck called Simic is Underrated for you guys to check out and tell me if it's good.
February 25, 2014 4:57 p.m.
I love Simic too, but it has huge problems, mainly that it has no game against control, it's too slow to deal with aggro, has limited ways to interact with your opponents board, and it's top end doesn't match up well with G/R's top end. It needs some help, and so far it hasn't gotten enough in this block.
February 25, 2014 6:05 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #13
Simic isn't a tier 1 deck, but unless you want to play the same old MBD, MUD, UW Control, GR Monsters, etc. that everyone else is playing you won't be playing a tier 1 deck.
Unexpected deck archetypes often have an advantage because no one sideboards for them. Plus, you have the extra bonus of building the thing you wanted to play, rather than the deck people expect you to play. If anyone laughs you off the table they are just jerks.
I hope you stomp some faces with your simic deck! I'll leave some advice on your deck page, if I have any.
lotusofblackness says... #2
Sorry, the link wont work for the deck. Just go to my account and click on the mono blue devotion deck from there
February 24, 2014 7:12 p.m.