Deck help: Bloody Rock - Not your typical Jund
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 4, 2013, 10:26 a.m. by meecht
Lately, I've been considering the advantages of splashing red in my Rock deck, Rock You Like A Hurricane. I own 2x Blood Crypt and 2x Rootbound Crag, so a red splash shouldn't be too hard to (financially) pull off.
-4 Forest
+2 Blood Crypt
+2 Rootbound Crag
The biggest advantages I could see from doing this is to include Slaughter Games, Rakdos's Return, and possibly Olivia Voldaren. Slaughter Games and Rakdos's Return provide the hand/deck disruption, and Olivia gives me a way to deal with creatures without using kill spells. There's also the consideration of using Dreadbore over Victim of Night as a less-restrictive, but more versatile, kill spell.
Slaughter Games would go into the sideboard in place of Sever the Bloodline and/or Revenge of the Hunted, Rakdos's Return mainboarded over Barter in Blood, and Olivia would probably replace Desecration Demon.
-2 Desecration Demon
-2 Barter in Blood
-2 Revenge of the Hunted (SB)
-1 Sever the Bloodline (SB)
+2 Rakdos's Return
+2 Olivia Voldaren
+3 Slaughter Games (SB)
There would also be the necessary inclusion of Farseek for mana fixing and ramp, but I don't know where to squeeze it in. My concern is that it will morph into a typical Jund midrange deck and lose its Rock-y-ness (it's a word, deal with it).
Any advice would be most appreciated.
Also in response to your Wolfbitten Captive Flip transforming you can boost him. When he flips the first time you can boost him to a 4/4 till end if turn if you need it or if he is about to flip back and you needed him big for the next turn you can boost him to a 5/5 till end of turn as well.
Glad you kept the Wolfir Avenger in here he is one of my favorite cards. He has won me so many games.
March 4, 2013 4:37 p.m.
Wolfir Avenger is essential. His cheap regenerate means you can easily flash him in to block and pay the regenerate cost.
He's like a green version of Restoration Angel, just without the flicker.
meecht says... #2
This is what I came up with. Please let me know what you think.
Bloody Rock
The unusual inclusion is Wolfbitten Captive Flip. So long as I don't over-commit to the board, I can afford to pass my turn without doing anything to allow him to flip. Once flipped, he can become a MONSTER blocking machine by pumping him to become a 6/6. He can still be pumped in his unflipped state up to a decent 3/3 for the early game, especially against aggro.
March 4, 2013 3:36 p.m.