deck help EDH mono white.
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 15, 2012, 5:52 a.m. by brendanhungryg
General Zhang fei, fierce warrior
CREATURESstonehewer giantdarien, king of kjeldorakroma, angel of wrathcaptain of the watchstudent of warfaresun titanlinvala, keeper of silenceavacyn, angel of hopemirran crusaderdaru warchief thraben doomsayerhero of the bladeholdserra ascendantmikaeus, the lunarchserra avengerguan yu, sainted warrioreternal dragongrand abolisherwall of omensstoneforge mysticranger of eosmentor of the meekmother of runesbaneslayer angel
artifactscoat of armseldrazi monumentsenseis divining toppithing needlebrittle effigyforcefieldcrucible of worldsmana vaultsol ring everflowing chaliceargentum armorbatterskullsword of feast and faminesword of fire and iceskullclamplightning greavesumezawas jitte
enchantmentsland taxangelic destinymilitias prideaura of silencearmored ascensionmobilizationoblivion ringruned halomoat
planeswalkersGideon juraKarn liberatedElspeth knight errantElspeth tirel
Instantsdisenchantreturn to dustswords to plowsharescondemnenlightened tutorcrib swappath to exileoblation
SorcerySaltblastIdyllic tutorNomads assemblyConquerors pledgeWrath of godDay of judgmentAustere commandMartial coup
LandsMistveil plainsStrip mineReliquary towerThawing glaciersMaze of ithWastelandGhost quarterEmeria, the sky ruinInkmoth nexusCavern of soulsRishadan portMystifying mazeKjeldoran outpostMutavaultMarsh flatsWindswept heathArid mesaFlooded strandPlains x10
Epochalyptik says... #2
Please enter this into a deck form so it's easier to read. That way we'll be able to offer better advice.
[[mono white boozey]]
This is the link to your deck; if you edit it so that the cards are actually listed in the mainboard instead of in the description it will work better.
May 15, 2012 12:28 p.m.