Deck Help: Golgari.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 4, 2014, 5:26 p.m. by Prehstun
Some of you may have seen this here before, but I'm about to take her out to her 3rd FNM appearance this Friday, and gawsh dammit I wanna win. I've taken yalls advice and despite my budget gathered a full playset of Thoughtseize Overgrown Tomb as well as the new addition off Pack Rat over Deathrite Shaman Now, just to refresh, my meta looks like so: Esper Control, Jund Midrange, Mono Blue/Blue, and a few Orzvoh Midrange and Sunny Delight decks floating around, how do you guys think i fair against these matchups and where could I improve.
Here's the deck. Golgari Beats Face.