Deck Help: Landhandler
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 20, 2012, 7:25 p.m. by AnCarver
The concept is fun - landfall shenanigans, plus Storm Cauldron to make sure you can keep dropping those lands. I think I've got the mana balance just about right, and I'm not worried about dual-lands - the deck gets so many lands, I've never had a problem. Tunnel Ignus takes care of opponents taking advantage of the land drops, and Grazing Gladehart racks up impressive amounts of lifegain to help survive straight aggro decks.
But there's no control.
What do I do with this? It's not an aggro deck, as it usually doesn't hit 20 damage until about turn 7-9 in playtesting. It doesn't really have anything that allows it to get there, however (Gladehart tries, but doesn't count). All of the creatures are unimpressive 2/2's or 2/1's, and there is no removal at all.
AnCarver says... #2
Looking for help on how to tweak it to help ensure I can get to the wackiness consistently. Any advice is appreciated.
July 21, 2012 2:52 p.m.