Deck Testing
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 19, 2010, 8:41 p.m. by brianguymtg
Hey, everyone. I am looking for people that want to try using a copy of my Endless Saproling deck. I want people to try to find out the best opening hand that they had, most successful plays, decks it had trouble with, that sort of thing. Anyone who posts will get a deck scored and commented on, so if you are looking for feedback, here's your chance.
Deck link: deck:endless-saprolings
Also, It would be great if these were posted on the deck's page, not here.
Thank you!
brianguymtg says... #4
I want to see of adding a few more creatures would speed up the deck, for Sprout Swarm . Such as: Nettle Sentinel , Utopia Mycon , Magus of the Vineyard .
October 22, 2010 1:16 p.m.
brianguymtg says... #5
These cards would also fuel the Skullclamp , which is helpful.
brianguymtg says... #2
Sorry, the link has changed, I made the name more catchy.
Here: Saprolinfinity
October 19, 2010 10:52 p.m.