Junk Rites Advice for fnm?

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 12, 2013, 2:18 p.m. by Blackdragon1400

At my local store aggro is all the rage. I was wondering what changes (if any) I should make before then, and if it would be better to start my games with a slant towards dealing with aggro or side board it out after the first match. I was thinking maby Centaur Healer 's for the Arbor Elf 's for a start.


MTGCheese7 says... #2

I would say to switch Centaur Healer for Arbor Elf or Sin Collector if they dont have too much burn spells. If they have a lot of burn spells leave Sin Collector in the main board (he will be able to get rid of some of those). I will say also try going with abrupt decay since you will be able to destroy creatures quick. I would also recommended Ultimate Price on side board in case your playing against Mono Red. I would also switch Craterhoof Behemoth for Trostani, Selesnya's Voice since its a faster drop , a good blocker and you will be able to gain life. Thats all I really have hope this help and show aggro you have the control xD

June 12, 2013 2:48 p.m.

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