Defence against unblockable
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 5, 2013, 12:45 a.m. by inmused
I seek suggestions on defence against a largely unblockable blue deck using mono green.
Heres my deck: Big Green and Stompy
@r3v13w Cheers for the advice.
This seems very similar to how I have been handling it so far. Bountiful Harvest and Fog have worked well so far in defence until I ramp up an army of Wurms, Saproling and Predatory Rampage . Then the game is mine anyway.
August 5, 2013 1:46 a.m.
Your best defense is to not overly complicate things by looking for cute answers. You're green, a 3 CMC Phantom Warrior can be outraced by your 2 CMC Kalonian Tusker . The issue your more likely having is that your deck is filled with a lot of cards that won't interact well unless under very specific conditions, and it's also too land light to be consistent for the spells you want to be casting.
I would recommend cutting Fog , Natural End , Naturalize , Predator's Rapport , Bountiful Harvest and Elixir of Immortality to start. Replace those with 4 more lands and some nice on curve creature threats. If your primary plan is to be a beatdown deck, you want to be in the realm of 25-30 creatures and your mainboard spells should be limited and focused around that goal.
August 5, 2013 1:57 a.m.
Thanks, good feedback.
Your right Slycne. I need to get rid of some chaff and focus on what this deck is good at rather than trying to add extra complication.
In this deck, Eight Legged Wurms, I ditched the dross and focused on beating down the enemy with a riot of green. It takes my original Big Green & Stompy and simplifies and focuses it on Spiders and Wurms and building and army to overwhelm.
August 5, 2013 2:29 a.m.
I think that deck has a much clearer and cleaner sense for its path to victory.
The only thing I would recommend to change is to tighten up the mana curve a little. It's a little too stacked in the 5 drop slot and having 4 7 drops will also cause problems. There's only 7 elves to accelerate, so you don't want to get caught with a hand of spells you can't cast in a reasonable time. 3 CMC drops can also be a very important slot on the curve since one of your strongest opening plays will be T1 Elvish Mystic into a T2 3 mana spell. Doesn't need to be anything overly fancy if budget is an issue, a T2 Wolfir Avenger or Slaughterhorn isn't too shabby.
August 5, 2013 2:51 a.m.
As suggested I have increased my 3 drops and reconciled the above discussion back into Big Green and Stompy deck.
I think my mana curve is better now having dropped a few expensive critters in favour of some useful 3 drops: Mwonvuli Beast Tracker looks for my larger beasts if not in my hand and an extra Elvish Archdruid adds mana and grunt to my elves.
Pathbreaker Wurm adds trample to any beefed up creatures lower on the curve. I also added Prey Upon as suggested above to combat unblockables.
Winning combo is a High Power creature like Kalonian Hydra followed by Fungal Sprouting then Predatory Rampage for an army of 4/4 Saproling marching across the battlefield.
Thanks for your help
guessling says... #2
This may sound weird, but possibly artifact / enchantment removal, here's why: Most unblockable dudes are weak - especially if playable early in the game. So a typical strategy would be either making other creatures unblockable or making unblockable creatures more powerful.
In the case of the combat trick, some version of Fog is a good option. A nice current version is Riot Control .
However, against AEtherling , maybe land destruction or aggro is what you would resort to since it protects itself, can be unblockable, and can boost its own power all in one card.
Another option might be life gain: accepting the inevitable that you will take hits every turn.
August 5, 2013 1:12 a.m.