Defense Against Azorious
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 22, 2014, 5:36 a.m. by AndyReveler
Hey tappedout, turns out Azorious is such a bad match up for me, it's basically an automatic loss for me if i have to play against it. I'm going to GP Phoenix soon and I would hate to go against this deck and just sit there praying to Xenagos that they get horrible hands. Please help me make my match-up a little easier! Here's my deck:
Without a Voice (GP Phoenix Trial Winner!!!) Playtest
SCORE: 22 | 3 COMMENTS | 3011 VIEWSAndyReveler says... #3
i dont have Mistcutter Hydra because it hardly ever gets bigger than a 3/3 or a 4/4. I suppose late game it will be bigger, but im worried it might be too little to late, tho it is something to consider.
And I already have Ready / Willing instead of Rootborn Defenses , but in both cases they can still get countered.
March 22, 2014 6:54 a.m.
TheNinjaJesus says... #4
Well, most of Azorius' strategy comes in the form of instant/sorcery management and creature lockdown. Easiest alteration to get around their big focuses would be to switch out the Advent of the Wurm for some actual creatures or counter spells, and getting some stuff in that gives your stuff Hexproof and/or Indestructible. Going the Bant route (splash of blue) gives you access to Council of the Absolute and Render Silent , both of which seriously impedes their rhythm. Going the splash of black route gives you Boon of Erebos , which saves your creatures from destroy, and, say, Reaper of the Wilds , which gives you deck control, deathtouch and Hexproof as needed. All that being said, though, you might just need something as straightforward as Alpha Authority .
No matter what, though, your deck is much more appealing and interesting than all those cookie-cutter decks I see out there. You get an up vote from me, a hearty "good luck!", and, being a fellow Arizonan, my own desire to cross decks with you at FNM somewhere.
March 22, 2014 8:34 a.m.
AndyReveler says... #5
Thanks TheNinjaJesus, im not looking to splash blue, tho i have thought about it, i was thinking of adding Skylasher or Witchstalker in place of Banisher Priest , im hoping Mistcutter Hydra will be enough, but if not ill make the changes.
Thank you for likeing my deck as well, I think the appeal and success of the deck comes form the fact that its not just a copy-paste deck, a fact that I am very proud of.
Arvail says... #2
Why no Mistcutter Hydra over Skylasher ? Also, if the control match is so hard, add in Rootborn Defenses .
March 22, 2014 6:25 a.m.