Descent into Madness deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 2, 2012, 1:05 a.m. by CutAndDry
ok i have been trying to make a effective deck with Descent into Madness and this is what i came up with the main idea is to cripple your opponent by making him lose cards while u build up tokens that can be sacrificed for Descent into Madness
card:Avacyn's Collar
from: turn 1 - turn 4: you will be working on your sustain while trying to weaken your opponent the best ways to achieve this is attach card:Avacyn's Collar to Ravenous Rats or Drainpipe Vermin trade post also kicks in at turn 4,this will give u enough tokens to sustain Descent into Madness for 3-4 turns ,but if u cant gain the required sustain you can always Cloudshift or Disentomb the Ravenous Rats for more destruction so that you don't need to sustain Descent into Madness for as long ,the rest of the cards are there to just help u gain the upper hand early on and delay your opponent
so guys tell me what u think and if u can try and improve it for me.
ok well i got sum substitutes for this problem
Lingering Souls : this card will create the tokens needed to Descent into Madness going,but i will lose the ability to draw from my Trading Post .
Warden of the Wall it will provide me with a token that i can sacrifice to get a artifact from the grave with Trading Post and then i can discard it to gain 4 hp from the Trading Post and it will allow me to draw cards,but it will give me no tokens to use on Descent into Madness , oh and it gives me 1 mana if needed
thinking of going for Lingering Souls to replace card:Avacyn's Collar
October 2, 2012 1:40 a.m.
i keep on finding new problems and better cards so i hope now that this is the final set:
Gather the Townsfolk : this card will replace card:Avacyn's Collar for early on token spawn
Thraben Doomsayer : this card will replace Trading Post because it is cheaper and it can toke spawn faster oh and with out card:Avacyn's Collar Trading Post will be useless / less effective
October 2, 2012 2:12 a.m.
hire are the cards if try'd and considered to put into this deck maybe i mist a combo or a useful card and feel free to make your own hybrid Descent into Madness if u think it can beat this one, it will actually help allot.
---wall of cards-----
card:Wit's End
card:Avacyn's Collar
card:Captain's Call
card:Faith's Shield
October 2, 2012 4:03 a.m.
This is getting confusing. Please build your deck on the deckbuilder. I've really been wanting to see a good Descent into Madness deck and I think you're on the right track.
October 2, 2012 10:09 a.m.
im sorry for the mess if made and il go and try to make 1 ...
ok that was easy:
this is the link for the decent into madness deck
CutAndDry says... #2
aww dam just noticed that card:Avacyn's Collar wont work my bad but the rest still stands until proven wrong
October 2, 2012 1:20 a.m.