Devotion in Modern
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 20, 2013, 7:12 p.m. by lockiew
Hello everybody. I have been a standard player from my entire magic career so far, but do to the constant price investment due to rotations, I have switched to modern. This deck is a red-devotion based deck that I like. I am of course very biased and want it to be good so before cashing out would really appreciate it if you were willing to spend a few minutes of your time to comment on the deck. I have never played in a modern tournament so I cannot tell you about my metagame as I don't know it. Just overall feedback would be great, and if anyone really likes it, I'd be all up for further developing the idea. Here it is: Modern Red Devotion Wins
Thanks, lockiew
Idk how good Devotion will be in modern. Its really strong in standard but modern is a lot faster and has a lot more combos. I'm not sure devotion is strong enough to deal with the top decks in modern.
December 20, 2013 8:16 p.m.
Thanks for the comments guys, I guess I just liked the list because it felt more comboy than aggro, which I liked, but all in all red deck wins is probably just better.
December 20, 2013 9:07 p.m.
HarbingerJK says... #5
I could see devotion being plausible in modern for a casual setting
December 20, 2013 9:41 p.m.
Red devotion isn't really that good in modern right now. However, green devotion is seeing some play and merfolk sometimes runs Master of Waves .
December 20, 2013 10:15 p.m.
reverendvile777 says... #7
I think Black Devotion has enough powerful cards in modern to have a shot. This is a version I have been working on so far: Devotion to Darkness
Red and White don't feel like they are going to get much out of devotion. Green definitely has, the Genesis Wave netdeck is crazy powerful and getting more and more popular, and I have seen lots of green devotion variants cropping up. I don't think blue will get much out of devotion for modern other than a tiny stroke to Merfolk (like it really needed it). Black remains to be seen, but I think it has some great angles to experiment with. Black enchantment devotion with discard, The Rack / Shrieking Affliction , Liliana's Caress , etc. and drain spells like Profane Command and Exsanguinate could be an interesting brew as well I think.
sylvannos says... #2
Devotion is prone to getting blown out by All Is Dust , Pyroclasm , and Oblivion Stone , Supreme Verdict , Damnation , Infest , etc. I like that you run Priest of Urabrask with Boggart Ram-Gang and Boros Reckoner , but it's a really risky plan, especially against decks with few, if any, creatures.
Red Deck Wins/Burn is a lot more consistent list that doesn't overextend. A good example of such a list is this one played in Berlin or this that got first place at the Modern Bazaar of Moxen tournament. Very similar play styles to Red Devotion of gaining tons of value out of each card, but not prone to the board wipes.
December 20, 2013 7:25 p.m.