Devotion Mechanic in practice

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 24, 2013, 9:46 a.m. by Rayenous

...Not sure this should be in "Deck Help"... I'm posting it here because I will be posting links to 2 decks, and inviting suggestions... but that's not the overall thread concept. - Just looking to discuss the Devotion Mechanic.

I was intrigued by the Devotion Mechanic when I first saw it... but was underwhelmed with the overall implementation. Only a few cards seem to make it worth while.

So I have decided to make a deck for each Ravnica guild to see if Devotion can be worked into 2 color decks. - So far the results seem promising (though not necessarily overpowering).

The idea is to make use of Hybrid mana permanents, such as Boros Reckoner and Nightveil Specter , to allow access to devotion of both colors, while helping to "mana fix", then play with the best Devotion cards of the colors.

Here are the 2 I've gotten so far... not intended to be Tier 1 decks... just ideas/samples.

Gruul - Truly Devoted - RG
Dimir - Truly Devoted - UB

I'm finding Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to be exceedingly powerful... and the concept of Devotion to be better than I expected.

Has anyone found unexpected uses, or seen some power in Devotion that they didn't expect?

DaggerV says... #2

Cackling Across the Planes! is my shot at playing with the God of the Forge. I need to stick the black on in there though, but BR deck I thought would be pretty strong. Sideboard isn't finished yet though, still toying with the main deck. High creature count keeps Purphoros' ability triggering, but the generally low creature cost makes that mass fire-breathinig usable on occasion. Throw in a little bit of removal, and card draw and bam!

I'm working on a Selesnya deck that uses the new artifacts and gods so we'll see how that goes.

September 24, 2013 12:37 p.m.

Rayenous says... #3

I was thinking a hasty B/R devotion deck might be the one good spot for Rakdos, Lord of Riots . 4CMC 6/6 Flying Trample, that provides 2 devotion to each color.

September 24, 2013 12:53 p.m.

Rayenous says... #4

Here's the Rakdos version... remebering that this is to test the Devotion Mechanic.

Truly Devoted - BR

This seems nice and Hasty, while still making good use of the Mechanic.

September 24, 2013 1:24 p.m.

mckin says... #5

I think underworld connections could be useful in place of some jace, not as powerful as a brainstorm, but its 1BB so its devotion still, and consistant draw that will see less hate than a jace, while also being cheaper

ultimate price/doom blade could see some place instead of 4 heros demise, 1 mana cheaper can be huge vs a lot of decks, and i feel a lot of targets in the 2/3 cmc range will be creatures outside of domri

also a big fan of desecration demon at the 4 slot, 6/6 body or worst case a repeated creature being sac'd by opponents i think will help

September 24, 2013 1:42 p.m.

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