Dimir/ Mono-black dilemma

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 28, 2014, 9:09 p.m. by DimirZer00


Ive made really awesome Mill/ Discard deck. However, am having a issue with choosing the color. Should I keep it Dimir deck. Like I originally plan or to turn into a mono-black deck. Please, take a look at it and tell me. Which way you think I should take the deck.

Imagine, What could’ve been Playtest

Modern* DimirZer00


MyFETTish says... #2

Well according to tapped out, you would need to replace Snuff Out to keep it modern. Other than that, would you concider making a seperate deck for each?

February 28, 2014 9:50 p.m.

DimirZer00 says... #3

Yeah, I found that out. When I put up the deck. However, at moment i don't have a Doom Blade to replace it.

and normally, I would agree with you seperate deck into two one for mill and one discard. However, with card like Horrifying Revelation , Liliana's Caress and Mindcrank . you can pull off a nice mill discard. Which leaves me kinda stuck.

So, this deck will either be mono-black or Dimir. am not going to separate away it into two decks.

February 28, 2014 10:21 p.m.

CChaos says... #4

Not sure if it is considered mill but one of my favorite cards for black is Sadistic Sacrament .

Black ramp would be very helpful to kick this card, but even without kicking it it allows you to take out key cards.

Then there is Surgical Extraction , it helps if you know what playsets are in a deck prior to using this. Cards that combo well with this on turn one is Thoughtseize , Duress and Despair.

Also instead of Distress you can play Hymn to Tourach

March 1, 2014 12:40 a.m.

DimirZer00 says... #5


am not sure, how I feel about Sadistic Sacrament am trying to work with Liliana Vess , Rise of the Dark Realms , Grimoire of the Dead . However, I'll keep as maybe

and While Distress is awesome looking card. your right I should really switch it out. I Considering switching out for Smallpox . However, I lose the reveal of the Players hand.

and the card that's hanging me up with dimir deck is Quicken . and with so many Sorcery in the deck I want to use. or find artifact or black replacement

March 1, 2014 1:11 a.m.

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