Discard deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 18, 2011, 6 a.m. by ExArkos
I restart playing MTG now. In my early years I played magis, but stopped playing arround tempest edition.
Now after watching some decks I created my own deck.
Now I like to get comments what possibilities I have for this deck.
I hope I get some comments.
xeratheenigma says... #4
to make a link you just put two brackets in front and behind what you want to link.
[ [Mind Rot] ], just remove the spaces between the brackets and it will look like
Mind Rot this also work on players too.
January 18, 2011 10 a.m.
π_is_the_word says... #5
And, to do it for a deck list you take the information from the address: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/lilianas-friends-discard/
Use the last part: [lilianas-friends-discard] and put it in double Brackets like before: Liliana's friends - Discard.
xeratheenigma says... #2
Liliana's friends - Discard for reference
January 18, 2011 6:20 a.m.