Do I need a temple?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 18, 2013, 4:34 p.m. by creelgoe
I've been working on this deck: Aggro Mill? Yea, that's a Thing for a bit. In play testing I've really had no trouble getting all three colors reliably. But I saw Temple of Deceit and thought it might be useful. Currently I have it in there but my question is do I need it or will it just slow me down?
golffore297 says... #3
The Temples are most certainly better than gates, but they can have a drawback coming in tapped. Scrying for 1 can be helpful in any time during a game, but Shocklands will always be better to use. I think you could run them if you really think the scry will help, but if it won't, I don't see a reason to since you already run the Shocklands.
Jay says... #2
It really depends on the speed you want. Early game, the Scrylands are pretty mediocre. They set you back a turn but can POTENTIALLY set you ahead one next turn. However, late in the game when you've already established solid mana they're fantastic as a "0 mana, Scry 1."
If you're going to run them, however, I would say 2 is the magic number. 3 is doable but pushing it, and 1 isn't even relevant. 4 would be in too many opening hands.
September 18, 2013 4:47 p.m.