Do I really need Lilly?
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 28, 2013, 7:12 p.m. by Jay
So for my modern Esper Gifts deck, No Rest for the Wicked, I'm running two Lilly otv. She's great for all the usual reasons as well as ditching parts of the gifts package. The thing is, I'm not sure if she's necessary and really need to acquire some other cards for the deck. Do you think she earns her spot, or should I trade her?
Seem like her only real use is to chuck what few targets you want to reanimate? I don't know how it plays, but between that and three flashback cards it looks wonky.
July 28, 2013 7:28 p.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #6
if you can afford her do it, but if now she doesn't seem worth it from what i saw in your deck.
July 28, 2013 10:16 p.m.
That's the thing, I have two but could trade her fire other things I need if she's not up to snuff.
July 28, 2013 10:53 p.m.
At least three.
I just played against this deck and Liliana of the Veil does a lot of work. She dumps Lingering Souls and Unburial Rites targets into the graveyard, all the while chipping away at your opponent's hand.
I'm not sure if the deck needs a full set of four, or if you should run three main and one in the side. She's kind of sub-par against RDW, but you would need multiple copies vs. Hexproof, Infect, Tron, and control.
July 28, 2013 11:47 p.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #10
good point sylvannos but when she's good she's really good but other than the interactions you stated she isn't all that great. i would stick with 2.
July 29, 2013 12:01 a.m.
@pokeyrabbit: I'd play Liliana of the Veil over the Esper Charm s in his deck.
July 29, 2013 12:13 a.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #12
i agree move the Esper Charm to the sideboard and cut Ghost Quarter
July 29, 2013 12:24 a.m.
GQ is my only hate against Tron other than shadow, and I hardly think the charm makes sense in the sideboard. But sense I'm running two that would put me at 4 of her, so I'll use the extra slot for Raven's Crime . I'll try to get my hands on number 3, but I'm not hopeful lol.
slagathor3 says... #2
Trade her
July 28, 2013 7:15 p.m.