Door To Nothingness Ideas
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 9, 2012, 8:44 p.m. by ImTriForceGuy
Is it even possible to create a standard legal deck around this card, and actually do well?
The more I think about it, I want to think its possible. With Ravnica's Chromatic Lantern , Core's Clock of Omens to untap when it enters the field. You'd need something like Boundless Realms to ramp up to get enough mana. The only issue would be surviving long enough to get to use it. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work?
I was running it in my 5 color ramp deck for a long time (don't know how to link decks), I suggest green blue with a lot of defender's and Axebane Guardian s, along with Chromatic Lantern and Gilded Lotus . Increasing Ambition to make sure you can always find one? I don't know how you'd make a deck "around" it, I kinda just threw it in mine because it always had the mana for it, won me a few games.
November 9, 2012 9:52 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #4
U mean turbofog? I was thinking of using card:Druids' Repository and an aggro sub theme. Then suddenly Door to Nothingness out of nowhere...
Clock of omens might need to be in the deck :-P
November 9, 2012 9:59 p.m.
I don't think the Clock is a good idea. I would flash it in at the end of the opponent's turn with card:Alchemist's Refuge, then go off in your upkeep. That way they'll have no time to respond to it.
Stay alive with defenders, ramp with axebane guardian, chromatic lantern and such.
I feel it'll be really fun to play, but not very competitive.
November 10, 2012 8:38 a.m.
I have one in my axebane casual deck that has the combo with Axebane Guardian and Galvanic Alchemist . It can go off turn 5 or 6 if you get lucky.
November 10, 2012 11:42 a.m.
Maybe ramping with Slivers would be better? Gemhide Sliver + cheap slivers like Metallic or Sidewinder Sliver might be able to get the door out by turn 5 if you're lucky.
quietsal says... #2
hmm maybe green ramp with Chromatic Lantern and Arbor Elf to untap the forests combined with a bunch of Fog spells to keep you alive to get the board set up for the win. That way its possible for a turn 7 (or sooner) win.
November 9, 2012 9:02 p.m.