Dragon Deck?
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 16, 2013, 11:11 a.m. by assassin54853
I want to build a dragon deck using the new M14 cards. I got little, early game dragons like Dragon Hatchling and Dragon Egg. I have burn cards like Shock to make room for the dragons to plow through. I have Lightning Talons to give them first strike. I even have a couple Shiv's Embrace which pretty much turns a creature into a dragon. I need some ideas for the big, late game dragons. I know about Shivan Dragon . I will try to get some of those. Scourge of Valkas is a mythic, so I probably will only get one of those. I want to make this within 2 months because I want to use some of the amazing red cards from the Innistrad block. I guess what I'm asking here is: What are some good ideas to improve this deck?
There are a number of other mythic dragons that can help (Utvara Hellkite and Moonveil Dragon spring to mind. While M13 is still in the mix, there is also Slumbering Dragon for a cheap, but slow, dragon. Krenko's Command and other cheap cards can give you chump blockers, which can double as mana with Infernal Plunge .
Honestly, I don't think this deck can be made competitive for cheap (too many mythics are necessary) and possibly just can't be competitive, period. Dragons are slow to get out, mana intensive with firebreathing, and in a color not known for ramp.
July 16, 2013 11:24 a.m.
assassin54853 says... #4
I was looking on amazon.com and some of the mythic dragons are between $1 and $3. I thought they would be much more, but then we have Thundermaw Hellkite which is at around $13. I will also try to put up the deck I currently have to make it easier to help.
July 16, 2013 11:46 a.m.
@Rayenous, the Gatherer link is missing the M14 dragons.
July 16, 2013 12:48 p.m.
Descendants' Path for dragons is wicked good. with Mutavault out you can get a free dragon even with none on the field. repeatable scourge's will burn the hell out of your opponent, then drop a thundermaw and win by about turn 5-7 if done right. green added can also add in ramp like dorks, Farseek , and Lay of the Land
Rayenous says... #2
List of all dragons currently in Standard.
If you get the "Scourge of Valkas", I would suggest Archwing Dragon for repeatable damage.
Thundermaw Hellkite is a powerhouse.
1x Utvara Hellkite can make for an unstoppable swarm... (also repeating the "Scourge of Valkas" damage)
Beyond that... a link to the deck might help people make more specific suggestions.
July 16, 2013 11:21 a.m.