Dragon Stompy viable against Reanimator?
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 22, 2013, 12:35 a.m. by Emrakool
Being somewhat of a Magic veteran, I've had some older decks which eventually became Legacy by default. While I've kept those decks around for nostalgia and casual play value, my playgroup has moved on to bigger and better things. Which by bigger and better I mean multiple decks utilizing Dark Ritual and reanimate effects to power out fatties in 2 turns or less.
My idea was to build something relatively cheap by Legacy standards that can either lock down or slow down the game and force opponents to beat me on strategy and skill rather than dumb luck. Of course I could also run something with Force of Will , but then it gets more expensive and I don't want to be that guy.
Here's my current list, built around the Rakdos Pit Dragon /Gathan Raiders shell. Get Hellbent
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm also considering a Koth of the Hammer build with Thundermaw Hellkite and Akroma, Angel of Fury . Thanks!