Dragons and Jund...???
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 5, 2013, 9:18 a.m. by MahmaRissa
HELP! I'm new to deck building...I've always just had someone build me a deck, hand it to me and say ... PLAY...and that's just what I did. I have no interest in making this a standard deck, just something that can whip the pants off an OP Allies deck that a certain someone in my house beats me with EVERY TIME! Ugh! I have a Vamps Deck and a Black/White (Golgari), both play out well against EVERY OTHER deck I've played...just not this freaking Allies deck....so that brings me to wanting to build a new deck...
I like the burn options in red and the death touch/life link in black and the green seems to give me some nice protection from her crap...and I have the mana and some decent Jund cards...but now what. Where do I start. I have dragons, LOVE dragons as a personal thing (play a dragon in D&D...I like the lore in all this)....soooooo am i realistic to think I can build a red/green/black "Jund" deck with my dragons? I like 60-64 cards, not a lot more. Please...HELP! :)
MahmaRissa says... #3
This plays so slow...and cant stand a chance against much of anything.
MahmaRissa says... #2
Here's what I've got so far Zombies and Dragons and Elves OH MY?
November 5, 2013 9:46 a.m.