EDH Board damage
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 19, 2014, 1:21 a.m. by Vieno
I'm running a Tamanoa EDH deck, and i'm looking to remove most of the burn I have in it for things that do triggered field damage, like Manabarbs . (Also, I know Tamanoa isn't a legal commander.)
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Ankh of Mishra is EXACTLY what i'm looking for, I love it! Also, Zo-Zu the Punisher is great too.
March 19, 2014 2:29 a.m.
Heh, in my tiredness I misread your request and thought you were asking for more burn, hence my Bonfire of the Damned suggestion. Whoops, sorry! haha
March 19, 2014 5:51 a.m.
Tharmogoyf1294 says... #7
Sorry to dissapoint you, but Manabarbs + War's toll combo doesn't work. Manabarbs require lands being tapped for mana, not as an effect of a triggered ability.
Ps.: I apologise for no links, my keyboard hates me -_-
March 19, 2014 6:19 a.m.
No, the interaction is that when people use War's Toll , others have to decide when to tap their lands. They can still tap their lands for mana in response to the trigger. It basically forces them to either tap all of their lands for mana or tap one of their lands for mana. It's actually a good interaction, forcing either a lot of damage and restricted castings, or forcing minimal damage with a lockdown.
March 19, 2014 6:51 a.m.
Blasphemous Act would be a great sweeper to pair with this guy.
Pyrohemia would get pretty crazy with that guy. Well, until you cranked up the damage past 3.
AEther Flash would lock down some token decks and net you a lot of damage over time.
Ancient Runes , Ash Zealot , Aura Barbs , Balefire Liege , Burning Earth all have a lot of potential in the right situations.
Interesting deck idea. Good luck!
urasa says... #2
Sorry this a bit of a massive info dump but I think some of these cards from my punisher EDH maybe what your looking for I have tried to include only the most relevant
Ankh of Mishra
Strip Mine
Tectonic Edge
Furnace of Rath
Impending Disaster
Sulfuric Vortex
War's Toll
Obsidian Fireheart
Incendiary Command
Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
Zo-Zu the Punisher
March 19, 2014 2:04 a.m.