EDH help for all!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 30, 2013, 12:08 p.m. by MollyMab
So, I'm wanting to get myself up to the 30s on T/O but I also want to help people instead of randomly suggesting stuffs on decks.
So, I'll be offering advice on EDH decks. I've been playing EDH about a year now, in a very cut throat meta where politics, meta gaming and combos play a big role. Stealing 3 permanents from each player by turn 7 is considered fair, for example.
If you give me a list. Say what you want the deck to do. Any must have pet cards. Budget. ect. I will advice and offer help/suggestions!
Thanks all!
Ohthenoises says... #3
I actually do need some help tweaking a deck in progress and I was unsure how I wanted to get exposure.
I Vant, my burd... is the list, I want to find places for Bant Charm , Treva's Charm , and Wargate specifically with some backburner potential adds like Oblivion Stone and Nevinyrral's Disk . I have a very boardwipe heavy meta and I'm trying to use creatures that will be good sword bearers who take a bit more effort to remove. Medomai the Ageless is kinda a pet card here but I'm not clinging so tightly to him.
November 30, 2013 12:27 p.m.
alpinefroggy says... #4
I'd love to get advice on a fun built edh deck on Intet the dreamer
November 30, 2013 12:51 p.m.
I have recently started the creation of a semi-casual EDH deck. It is mostly budget, so I don't want very expensive suggestions.
It's supposed to have card draw that nets you a large advantage in the game and keep you ahead of the other players.
I don't know if I should go a more controlling route, because honestly I have no idea what route I am going right now and could really use some guidance, due to my extreme newness to EDH.
November 30, 2013 12:52 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #6
If you have the time, here's my EDH deck that I have been working on many months: Stop picking your nose, it's already bleeding. I'd like to hear your opinion about it. I want the deck to work even against the most brutal decks, at least in some degree. You can suggest any cards that come to mind, or if the deck needs some bigger changes.
November 30, 2013 2:19 p.m.
if you wouldn't mind looking at my Gisela deck that would be great! I've had it for awhile for and have kind of hit a wall with it
November 30, 2013 2:51 p.m.
I asked my wife what kind of deck she wanted me to build her and she said "one that destroy's everything!" So, I got to building a B/R/W deck using Tariel that, aside from filling full of a ridiculous amount of "destroy" cards, I have no idea where else to really go with.
Feel free to give some suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated! Destroy Everything!
November 30, 2013 3:54 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #9
If you want to test your competitive knowledge, you could take a look at Dominus - Dreamcrusher Edition. That's my tournament combo-control deck. There's no budget, but the deck has to be as ruthlessly effective as possible.
November 30, 2013 4:08 p.m.
You are welcome to look at any of my decks. They are all on my front page and they are all either EDH or PDH (and their names spell it out for efficiency in any text stream on tappedout.net). All of my decks have descriptions but there may be a few things in them that I forgot to take out and once in a while a card in my list gets out of place so don't be alarmed if that happen(ed).
I am always tweaking them to adapt to my meta as it shifts and improve weaknesses I find by playing them (or just to try out a new card or two to see how I like it).
Budget is a primary concern for me and I won't spend over $5 on one card unless it really fits the deck strategy. I won't spend over $25 period (on any one card) for any reason ever. I'm still building up my card base so anything suggested will probably have to be bought by me. I'm trying to get to the point where I can buy stuff from my LGS but as long as the list of cards I'm looking for includes more than 20 cards, I feel that would just be rude, actually!
I am copying my text file that has my "master plan" here. I have the decks by commander and the cards I want to add to them. I need to edit my lists down so that I can up the number of lands to 38 each because of how popular LD and MLD are becoming in my meta. And then at the bottom I have the working list ready to go for tcgplayer's mass card entry program. The cards with an X are marked by me as "expensive". In the past when making an order I have dropped all of them off of an order but now that I'm only looking at tens of cards instead of hundreds of cards, some of them are coming back up for review - if they are worth it. The cards marked XX would be nice but are just out of my budget right now.
I look at the set of decks as a whole and update them together all at once. That's what my process is. I wouldn't be surprises if it were something that another person "wouldn't want to try to stick their head into"!
Right now I am trying to edit the list down. For example, it would be nice to add all those cards to my Teneb deck, but I probably should only really add the 5cmc creatures. I am going to be editing it down tomorrow myself by adding cards in to my decks and switching them to "prototypes" again.
all: +3 lands!
URILXmayael's aria: alara rebornXsun titan: M12, M11
ROONwood elves: M7-9, Exodus, Portalmulldrifter: MM, MTGcommander, Lorwyn, DD:Jace-ChandraXseedborn muse: M9-10, LegionsXaura shards: MTGcommander, invasionXangel of serenity: RTRXrestoration angel: Avacyn Restoredxvenser, the sojourner: scars of mirrodinXsun titan: M12, M11whispersilk cloak: M11,M10,darksteellightning greaves: MTGcommander, archenemy, mirrodingeneral's kabuto: champions of kamigawaXswiftfoot boots: M12lurking predators
MIKorochi hatchery: Champions of Kamigawaspringjack pasture: Eventidecrescendo of war: MTGcommanderXaustere command: MTGcommander, LorwynXtrue conviction: Scars of MirrodinXdarien, king of kjeldor: coldsnapXsun titan: M12, M11whispersilk cloak: M11,M10,darksteellightning greaves: MTGcommander, archenemy, mirrodingeneral's kabuto: champions of kamigawaXswiftfoot boots: M12marshall's anthem
TEN (5 drops only!)glory: JudgementXreveillark: MM, MorningtideXangel of serenity: RTRXsun titan: M12, M11whispersilk cloak: M11,M10,darksteellightning greaves: MTGcommander, archenemy, mirrodingeneral's kabuto: champions of kamigawaXswiftfoot boots: M12lurking predatorskarmic guide
JORmoonveil dragon: dark ascensioncelestial flare: M14Xpath to exile: MM, MTGcommander, archenemy, confluxXquicksilver amulet: M12, urza's legacyXtrue conviction: Scars of MirrodinXsun titan: M12, M11whispersilk cloak: M11,M10,darksteelgeneral's kabuto: champions of kamigawajourneyer's kitecoalition relic
WARTXhelix pinnacle: eventideXdecimate: odessey
VORlightning greaves: MTGcommander, archenemy, mirrodingeneral's kabuto: champions of kamigawaXswiftfoot boots: M12
NEBphyrexian revoker: M besieged, MB:Phyrexiawhispersilk cloak: M11,M10,darksteellightning greaves: MTGcommander, archenemy, mirrodingeneral's kabuto: champions of kamigawaXswiftfoot boots: M12
JELwhispersilk cloak: M11,M10,darksteellightning greaves: MTGcommander, archenemy, mirrodinXswiftfoot boots: M12beacon of tomorrowsbeacon of unrestacquirebriberydreadborerise of the dark realms
XXavenger of zendikar: Worldwake
XXvenser, shaper savant: From the Vault: Twenty, Future Sight
2XXoblivion stone: MTGcommander, mirrodin
XXvolrath's stronghold: stronghold
1 wood elves1 mulldrifter1 orochi hatchery1 springjack pasture1 glory1 crescendo of war1 moonveil dragon1 phyrexian revoker1 celestial flare6 whispersilk cloak1 path to exile 1 austere command1 quicksilver amulet1 seedborn muse1 aura shards2 angel of serenity1 restoration angel2 true conviction1 reveillark5 sun titan1 venser, the sojourner1 helix pinnacle1 mayael's aria6 lightning greaves6 general's kabuto6 swiftfoot boots1 decimate1 darien, king of kjeldor1 mizzium skin1 marshall's anthem2 lurking predators1 karmic guide1 beacon of tomorrows1 beacon of unrest1 acquire1 bribery1 dreadbore1 rise of the dark realms1 journeyer's kite1 coalition relic
November 30, 2013 4:36 p.m.
OK, I am very confused r3v13w cause that is almost unreadable. Give me a deck and I will suggest stuff.
November 30, 2013 5:05 p.m.
This is mine. Competitive combo deck. Budget isn't an issue - only getting the combo out by around turn 5. Obviously there are tons of other cards that synergise well in there.
November 30, 2013 5:07 p.m.
ChiefBell and Epochalyptik. Are your decks 1v1 or multiplayer?
November 30, 2013 5:09 p.m.
Multiplayer, epochs is too. We both have cards that are banned in the French 1v1 rules.
November 30, 2013 5:10 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #15
Mine is optimized for multiplayer, but it can handle 1v1.
November 30, 2013 5:15 p.m.
OK, damn. My pet card for 1v1 is Hatred, see and for competitive decks I always advocate hatred cause if you can ensure you resolve it, you win generally.
November 30, 2013 5:16 p.m.
(I'm playing Jeleva in 1v1 and multiplayer fairly competitive meta and I'm building a version of her for competitive multiplayer too)
November 30, 2013 5:17 p.m.
Do you use the french ban list or disregard it? Because I'm not saying that my deck would be bad 1v1 - it would probably be great but Sol Ring , Vampiric Tutor and some others are banned.
November 30, 2013 5:22 p.m.
When designing for normal/competitive multiplayer, I use the normal ban list.
For 1v1 I use French and play a jeleva list that does big plays, and has a kill in either enter the infinite + conflagulate or hatred.
November 30, 2013 5:25 p.m.
I am not surprised or miffed at all. Why don't you have a look at I Guess I'll Let that Happen (Talrand EDH) since all the other decks already have updates planned. I couldn't think of any way to change the Talrand deck. It already had lots of protection and more than 35 lands. So maybe another person's eyes on it will give me some ideas on something I could try doing with it.
December 1, 2013 1:02 p.m.
Might as well ask for another set of eyes on Talrand's Party of One.
It's a budget, creature-less Talrand, Sky Summoner list for multiplayer. Lots of sorceries and instants and such. So two restrictions: keep each card at around $3 or less, and no creatures.
December 1, 2013 1:03 p.m.
Ah yes - let me sift those details out of my post as well. I am only willing to pay more than $5 on a card if it completely matches the theme: card avantage + cheap instants (and counterspells). No way will I pay over $25 for any reason. Pet cards: nothing really - but I'm not looking for any kind of complete restructuring on this deck because it does what it is supposed to do pretty well.
NobleMoose says... #2
Could you take a gander at my EDH? Tariel's Graveyard Funtime!. The is mostly about killing your opponents creatures, and stealing them from the grave. Thanks.
November 30, 2013 12:16 p.m.