EDH Help- G/B/W Reanimator
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 27, 2013, 1:15 a.m. by Lhurgyof
Hello everybody, I have a very big problem with deciding what to take out of my decks sometimes, and I just ordered some new cards for my Karador deck: Karador, ETB Chieftan. The three cards I bought were Yawgmoth's Will , Thragtusk , and Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed .
I have asked some of my friends what I should remove my the deck if I got some new cards, and so far the list is as follows:
Gaze of Granite : I was thinking of removing Oblivion Stone because all too often it wipes things on my side I don't want to see go, mostly mana rocks and such. But my friend pointed out that Gaze of Granite is like O-stone, but worse. I have to agree, so I think this will be a card I remove. Who knows, though.
Gate to Phyrexia : Slow, and I have enough removal already.
Riftsweeper : Too narrow (I put him in as tech against graveyard hate, but I have only really used him twice).
Vraska the Unseen : Again, slow targeted removal. I have enough of that apparently.
But, I would like to know what the Tappedout community thought. And feel free to offer any other advice or leave a +1 on my deck if you like it.