EDH Kraj Help

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 6, 2012, 11:50 a.m. by Angamir

deck:kraj-deck Needs some work. It's a pretty typical Kraj deck but am trying to throw some new things in there. The biggest problem with making this deck is that I can't play test it at all so I'm hoping for some good advice. This is the first deck I've ever built and have only ever played with the Political Puppets pre-con.

Specific things that need work.I feel like I need more land but need things to cut.Draw power seems low but I'm not sure if it's too low or acceptable.Removal I've upped a bit, but do I need more?Am I running too many counter spells? I like counters and this deck seems susceptible to board wipes so I'm trying to fight those.

Couple things I know will come up:Leech BonderMTG Card: Leech Bonder : Pulled it, the -1/-1 counters make his ability tough to steal and it's not an ability I really want other than an expensive untap.

momir-vig,-simic-vissionary : Yeah it would be great in this deck, but I'm fighting putting it in. It just feels weird to have Kraj as a commander when I have Momir available...

Thanks for the help, be as picky as you'd like, I want this to be a good deck.

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