EDH tournament for FTV: Twenty cards coming up. Need insite.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 23, 2013, 2:20 p.m. by meecht

My shop will be running an EDH tournament on September 1st where the prize payout for the top 13 will be picks of cards from FTV: Twenty. I know Norin the Wary isn't the best commander choice for this level of competition, but it's the only deck I have that's even remotely close.

I'm Going On An Adventure!

Up to 30 proxies will be allowed, but their price cannot be over $50 based on TCGPlayer Mid. As of right now, I only have 3 proxies: Mind's Eye , Wheel of Fortune , and a Collector's Edition Gauntlet of Might . The only issue might be the gauntlet, but Gauntlet of Power would be a useable substitution.

Any suggestions as to how I can tune the deck for a more competitive environment will be greatly appreciated. I figure some form of mass land destruction, like Ruination , will need to go in. The main theme of the deck is to create chaos in the pod, then beat down with other peoples' creatures, but it has a very weak backup of milling out with Memory Jar + Goblin Welder .

For clarification on the rules and structure, the event posting can be found here.

agGravity says... #2

Just FYI there is no legal version of Gauntlet of Might that is Tournament legal, the least it's worth is 100$. So you'll have to replace it with the Gauntlet of Power as you mentioned.

Otherwise it's a decent move playing chaos when everybody is tuned for competitiveness. I can see it works.

August 23, 2013 2:35 p.m.

smash10101 says... #3

or just scramble to make a Hermit Druid deck

August 23, 2013 3:08 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #4

I would go with smash10101's suggestion, but $50 cap on foils kind of hurts that. Does the cap even apply to lands? If it doesn't apply to lands, I'd try to build a 5c hermit deck. Otherwise, I'd go with 3c with Damia, Sage of Stone and Karador, Ghost Chieftain . My recommended list for 5c is Scion Hermit, or 3c with a list I developed a while ago Karador's T3 Instakill. Obviously, some cards like Imperial Recruiter and Imperial Seal would not be included, and karador's land base would have to go through some serious reconstruction, but honestly, Hermit Druid is the safest deck to play at any EDH tournament.

August 23, 2013 4:12 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #5

*For some reason I said foils instead of proxies =P

August 23, 2013 4:13 p.m.

meecht says... #6

Yes, the $50 cap would apply to ANY proxies that are in the deck, even lands.

I would prefer to stick with my Norin the Wary deck instead of trying to scramble to make something else, especially due to the limit on the number of proxies.

August 23, 2013 4:22 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #7

well, in that case, I would just stick as close as you can to Gaka's model of norin. It's the best there is.

August 23, 2013 4:30 p.m.

SharuumNyan says... #8

Your link to rules and structure doesn't work for me. It just goes to my generic Facebook events page.

I'm wondering if this event is going to be structured to disallow, or discourage use of, infinite combos...

August 23, 2013 4:52 p.m.

meecht says... #9

In case it's the same for everyone else, here's the description of the event. I doubt they will discourage infinite combos.

1st WINS JACE! - assuming that is what they pick ;)

Once the tournament is complete the 20 cards and the die will be laid out on the table, the prizes will then be picked by the top 8 players, after the top 8 have picked 1 prize each they will go back thru and pick 1 additional prize, after that 9th thru 13th will get a pick.

ENTRY FEE is $15.oo based on 14 players. Bring your friends! If we get less than 14 players the entry fee will be $20.00. We will NOT run this event with fewer than 9 players.

------------ RULES -----------------

Pods will be used. 4 player max per pod. Random seating.

We will run several "rounds" (at least 3)

The winner of a pod will get 3 points, runner up 2 points & everyone else in the pod will get 1 point. New rounds will be podded up using the points (3's play 3's etc) . We will play until we have a clear winner. Then any ties will be assigned in a random fashion.

Official Banned List will be used. The banned list and other rules for the format can be found here:http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php

** Proxies rule:You may proxie any land and any card under $50.00. We will use http://magic.tcgplayer.com/ MID value to determine eligibility.

30 Proxies are allowed, one of which can be the Cosmic Oasis land. However, you must have a full-size, printed version of the card on top of a basic land in a sleeve, not just the name on a piece of paper. http://magiccards.info/ is a great tool for printing full-size proxies.

** PRE-BOARD rule:Players may bring a 10 card sideboard in addition to their 99 cards and 1 Commander.After Commanders are announced, players have 3 minutes to make 1-for-1 substitutions to their deck.Any cards not played as part of the deck may be retrieved by "wishes".

August 23, 2013 9 p.m.

meecht says... #10

Over the weekend, I was able to acquire a Myr Battlesphere , Ruination , and Gauntlet of Power to put into the deck. I'm unsure what to remove, but I feel it would probably be the "cute" effects like Possibility Storm and Strionic Resonator .

I love Possibility Storm, but it would probably be better as a sideboard card when I'm in a control-heavy pod. In most cases, though, people have much better options to storm into than I. Friday night, a player was able to storm into an Avacyn, Angel of Hope , Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter , and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed .

Strionic Resonator can be fun, and though I do have some very useful triggered abilities I don't have a reliable way to fetch Resonator. I think it can easily be removed for something with more impact.

As stated previously, Gauntlet of Power will replace Gauntlet of Might in my build for the sake of the tournament.

August 26, 2013 10:03 a.m.

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