Egads! That didn't work right (2 questions)
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2014, 6:23 p.m. by thewyzman
I usually manage 2 or 3 wins at my FNM, mostly with "fun" synergy decks ranging from Simic evolve to Golgari dredge. In the hopes of making a competitive Golgari deck, I studied a number of competitive decks online and constructed my own from what I've seen.
Can You Golgari? FNM deck Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 5 COMMENTS | 416 VIEWSI know I'm still learning the fine ropes, but I went 0-2-1 last Friday, my worst ever record.
Q1) Other than player error, is there something I'm missing?
Q2) In casual playtests, Corpsejack Menace sometimes made my deck go ape@#!+ with counters (Lotleth Troll , Scavenging Ooze , Polukranos). I often just threw Reaper of the Wilds out as a threatening blocker to slow down the attack, but seldom did much more than that. Should I replace all?
Yeah, my friend does that. I just make mental notes. I mean, a couple games I just wasn't drawing what I needed, be it creatures and/or spells, and I've got a 50/50 mix of each, so it was just bad draw luck. Other games it's just getting stomped on by Kalonian Hydra or Fanatic of Mogis when I miraculously don't have the removal I need. Overall, I think I need more card draw.
It's just really frustrating when one night you're painting the walls with asses, then the next day you show up with what feels like a solid deck, then go winless after 3 hours of games. Outside of bad luck, I'm wondering where the holes exist.
Beyond all that, I feel like Corpsejack Menace has more to offer than Reaper of the Wilds , but so many folks disagree. The only difference in my mind is Reaper is better against control. Do folks sideboard Reapers?
January 28, 2014 7:18 p.m.
I left you a comment on the deck with a few suggestions. Hope it helps!
kmcree says... #2
One thing I find helpful is in between matches writing down notes on each game: what worked, what didn't, what you drew in important spots, what you would've rather drawn, etc. This can really help you adjust a relatively new deck, especially if things aren't quite going your way. Its hard to just look at a decklist and say, "oh this should go, you should add this, etc." Its so much easier to sit down with some notes and see what's going on, and then make adjustments based on those. Especially with a new deck you're still tweaking. Just a thought :)
January 28, 2014 6:55 p.m.