Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Parallel Lives
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 17, 2013, 9:59 p.m. by nurzaani
I plan on building a green/white token deck based on mana ramp and token production to play against my friends.
Would these 2 cards work well together?
or would it be too late game for it to be effective?
(sorry if this isn't the right place)
Epochalyptik says... #3
The Q&A is for rules questions. Moved to Deck Help.
December 18, 2013 5:33 a.m.
i would use Garruk, Primal Hunter its better with a proper ramp you can play it on turn 3 and on turn 4 get a Parallel Lives then another then a Trostani, Selesnya's Voice then wurms are us with Advent of the Wurm and populate it and be happy.
why Garruk over Elspeth?? simple it gives you draw, the tokens are better and with parallel lives you get there in not time i think 2 3/3 is better than 6 1/1 just casue you got jaces, golgari charm and stuff. Last reason the draw its way to important in this kind of decks cause you hand get empty real quick with a 5/5 wurm im play its full hand again. if you get Top deck with this kind of deck you will prolbly lose cause your top deck is always worse than what the other isde has to play
Devonin says... #2
Well, the cards synergize, so in terms of posting this in Q&A: Yes, those cards work well together.
Whether they work competitively in some format or another is more of a question for the sub-forum for the relevant format.
In EDH I'd say "Yeah sure", in any other format, I'd say "It's probably too slow"
December 17, 2013 10:53 p.m.