Endless Horizons or Extraplanar Lens?

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 18, 2013, 11:20 a.m. by ampos

I have made a Angels deck ( Modern Angels )

Currently I am using 2x Extraplanar Lens but recently I hace discovered Endless Horizons , so I am wondering if use one, the other, or both.

Any hint?

maiden77 says... #2

if you meta has artifact and enchantment removal then I would say it wholly depends on the situation. If you drop the lens and somebody destroys it you are down one land. If you drop the lens against mono white you are doubling their land. If you try to get clever and play snow lands (which you should be with the lens to prevent doubling other peoples' mana) then they will adapt easily and quickly with no downside to themselves. Now the horizons gives you less advantage (obv no double mana) but it thins your deck and gives you reliable land drops. Now I have had this played against me and insta destroyed it. This can cripple the deck If the user has been greedy and got too many lands leaving only a few in the deck. I would think the lens is less risky IF you can afford the loss of a land every now and then. Do you often find the lens currently gets removed?

June 18, 2013 11:28 a.m.

Extraplanar Lens doubles your mana essentially so I feel as if this would be more effective. Endless Horizons just keeps your land drops coming and thins your deck. They may be good together since you'll ensure your land drops and if Extraplanar Lens exiles a plains, then you'll be getting more mana each turn.

June 18, 2013 11:29 a.m.

Kalestu says... #4

To me Endless Horizons is quite a risky little thing - i wouldn't exile more than 4 Lands that way, because if it gets destroyed with most of your mana still exiled, you are in enormous trouble - and it's a 4 mana card, which lets it kick in extremely late - you can cast 12 of your 18 creature in your deck at that point and all of your other cards apart from Sphere of Safety and Terminus

I would not go with that, even though it might help you since it's an enchantment - but if not in the first game, you will face some serious enchantment counters in the second match if you opponets sideboard is set up correctly, resulting in Endless Horizons beeing even more of a gambit

June 18, 2013 11:34 a.m.

ampos says... #5

Maiden, I use snow lands :D

Currently my problem is that the "big" creatures are a bit expensive... well, a lot expensive... I was thinking even putting an Iona, Shield of Emeria so, when I have enough mana to cast a big, I am out of cards in hand, and to draw a land then is really bad.

My idea about Endelss was to exile half of lands. Perhaps play the first round with Endless Horizons and keep Extraplanar Lens in sidedeck...

June 18, 2013 12:01 p.m.

RussischerZar says... #6

Btw, the deck help forum is the other way, Q&A is reserver for rules questions.

June 18, 2013 12:08 p.m.

RussischerZar says... #7


June 18, 2013 12:09 p.m.

Kalestu says... #8

If you want to play Endless Horizons , then i'm with Smith_and_Tonic since he is quite right...both cards have synergy effects and i would use them together. But i honestly would not go for even more expensive creatures - i can't see how your deck is holding off against turn 4 to 5 decks (which is by far not extremely fast in Extended Formats) with a that slow mana curve

June 18, 2013 12:12 p.m.

ampos says... #9

Please, continue at Deck forum and sorry for wrong forum

June 18, 2013 12:24 p.m.

I just moved this thread for you because it already had responses.

June 18, 2013 12:37 p.m.

ampos says... #11


June 18, 2013 12:46 p.m.

This discussion has been closed