Ephara replacing Jace in MUD?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 23, 2014, 11:38 p.m. by Arorsthrar
Would Ephara, God of the Polis be a solid replacement for Jace, Architect of Thought in a blue devotion deck (given that I splash white)? It provides card advantage while also being a good beater. I've heard many people talking about Deputy of Acquittals in these kind of decks, but I'm not sure about that, even though it seems pretty good.
It depends on what you're using Jace for. In most cases, I would say he's significantly better than Ephara. But if you're just looking for a draw engine, you might prefer Jace, Memory Adept .
Servo_Token says... #2
Personally, I wouldn't replace Jace in the deck just because he offers card draw, defense, and 2 pips. While Ephara can draw you cards sometimes, she'll only seldom be a creature, doesn't effect the board state on turn 4, and makes your mana much worse by having to splash white.
February 24, 2014 12:04 a.m.