esper beating mono-blue aggro in standard, 2x sideboard slots
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 26, 2013, 9:16 p.m. by Apoptosis
Now that all of the physical components of my esper control deck Heisenberg have been assembled, I wanted to physically playtest it to see how it preforms. I chose to matchup against:
Pierre Dagen Mono-blue Devotion Standard Top 8 Pro Tour Theros from Dublin
Deck list:
Quite frankly, I got my ass kicked, even after using the sideboard. I only won one game out of too many. Major analysis:
1. I'm one land short. While this doesn't seem to happen on the tappedout playtester, in physical play I'm one land short in making my land drops.
2. I think I want that 4th Supreme Verdict
mainboard after all.
3. -2 Jace, Memory Adept
from the mainboard. It removes mill as a win-con, but I think 1-2x will go into the sideboard.
4. This still does not leave me happy with sideboard options against this matchup. 2x Doom Blade
helps, but I feel like I need a little more. For now, 1x Jace, Memory Adept
in the sideboard and I've removed some other cards.
5. I have 2x space in my sideboard and I'm struggling for a good answer. What I need is an answer that gives me a 2 for 1 against aggro. The possibilities I see are:
a. 2x Ratchet Bomb
Definitely 2 for 1 possibility, but takes times to ratchet up
b. 2x Boros Reckoner
I love this card, but too difficult to cast consistently
c. 2x High Priest of Penance
never used him before, but mono-blue has enough fliers and creatures with 2 toughness, so I wonder how effective he will be against mono-blue.
I'm taking the deck to my LGS on Monday night.
(and of course if you like the deck, +1 is always appreciated)
I personally prefer Dissolve over Psychic Strike just because scrying 1 is much better than milling 2. Also Gainsay in the side would be great for mono blue and mirror matches. Cyclonic Rift if one of my favorite cards ever, and ends games. Maybe toss in 1 or 2 more?You seem to have plenty of control for shutting down blue's creatures, including Thassa.
Is Elspeth in there for the wipe, or for the tokens? Either way, I think dropping her for more control or even another AEtherling might help you out a bit.
October 26, 2013 11:29 p.m.
I really love Elspeth, Sun's Champion as a more flexible wincon then AEtherling usually I use her for her +1 and lead into her ultimate. But she's not too great against mono-blue: either too many fliers or not 4+ power for the wipe.
AEtherling is an alt win con.
Mill used to be one too, but I pulled Jace, Memory Adept from the main board. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is still really good but does lose a step without big jace.
October 26, 2013 11:52 p.m.
I think Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver isnt really that good, since even turn 3 drop, most decks where you want a creature to block for you, wont stop you from losing, turn 3 you're better off with a kill spell or something like divination
-3 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver +2 Jace, Architect of Thought +1 Divination
+Azorius Charm +Dissolve -2Psychic Strike
Then -2 Swamp +2 Temples
October 27, 2013 12:12 a.m.
Also things to consider for sideboard since control, and mono blue are so popular
4x Gainsay
Change obzedat & lifebane to blood baron & 2nd jace memory adeptChange fiend slayer to gainsay
October 27, 2013 12:14 a.m.
Thanks Twyn, Aerokid, and mckin
I've made some tweaks to the sideboard and wonder what your opinions are about them.
- Adding a 3rd Far / Away
is a decent option. But is it better then having 1x Merciless Eviction
? Because that's what I would cut.
- I have a whole post on my main deck explaining why Psychic Strike
over additional Dissolve
or Syncopate
. That's not a change that addresses the matter at hand
- Gainsay
is a possibility, but it getting a 1 for 1 against an aggro matchup doesn't help much. Aggro doesn't care if it loses one card, all this does is it buys me a little time. 2 for 1 or a win-con that is difficult for my opponent to address is more important.
- mckin I see what you are saying about Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver in this particular matchup, but I'm going to disagree about the card overall. I'm committed to playing out Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and time will tell whether he deserves to stay.
For the mono-blue aggro matchup it occurs to me that one issue is that I didn't have the correct bombs. Mono-blue aggro wins with lots of small creatures and fliers that are poorly suited to be beaten with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , or AEtherling . Basically, even when I had them and they resolved, I never felt like the game had swung in my favor. So in addition to having better removal, it's also key to have a better wincon that can deal with fliers, can address Thassa, God of the Sea , and has more value then a kill spell that has a potential 2 for 1 like Far / Away . My solution: 2x Angel of Serenity out of the sideboard. She will get me the 2 for 1 or better, deals with Thassa, flys, and is a win-con.
The main question is whether I remove Merciless Eviction for an extra Far / Away .
So what would be my sideboard changes for this particular matchup (against mono-blue aggro)? Somethink like this:
+2 Angel of Serenity
+2 Doom Blade
-3 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
-1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
or -1 AEtherling
(can't decide which)
and maybe +1 Merciless Eviction or Far / Away , which would mean both 1 Eslpeth and Aetherling would come out.
What do you think?
October 28, 2013 9:58 a.m.
In general a 1 for 1 with Gainsay in this match up is great in that you are using it to stop huge threats such as thassa, master of waves, jace AoT, and nightveil, not something like cloudfin raptor. In mirror matches it stops jace, spinhx's, aetherling, while negate cant get aetherling.
I dont have any play experience with ashiok myself, only against, but there were 0 copies in in the 16 of both the SCG open and invitational this week, which esper won.
i do like the idea of trying out Angel of Serenity , as an american control player reckoner is much easier for me to cast so i wanted to try him out in control match ups were theyve sideboarded out a lot of kill spells
October 28, 2013 11:18 a.m.
I would think that the extra Far / Away would be better than Merciless Eviction due to the flexibility and lower CMC. It helps you live until pulling off a big Revelation or a Verdict.
October 28, 2013 3:13 p.m.
Twyn I agree totally that an extra Far / Away is better in this matchup. I think my debate is whether it's necessary here or whether the Merciless Eviction would have needed utility for a number of other matchups (like mono-black devotion where Underworld Connections needs to be neutralized or where a 5th wrath is necessary. Hard to tell before hitting those trenches.
What do you think about Angel of Serenity ?
October 28, 2013 3:47 p.m.
Ah gotcha. Well I've been playing straight U/B lately, so I haven't had the luxury of all the Orzhov or Azorius cards, so my deck's answers tend to be very specific. White gives you tons of flexibility, with your Detention Spheres, I think you can hit an enchantment if you need to.
Basically, you have enough tools that you can don't really need to build in a catch-all like Eviction. Your other answers are robust enough to handle it without adding a potentially dead draw early game (Think about drawing a D-sphere vs Eviction on turn 3), and late game your excellent card draw lets you find what you need to stabilize.
I'm not sure about Angel of Serenity. On one hand, it helps if your other win conditions get Salughter Games'd or Pithing Needled, and exiling 3 enemy dudes is no joke. At the same time, it's nowhere near as difficult to get rid of as Aetherling, and dies to the first top-decked Doom Blade , allowing your opponent to recast that Gray Merchant for another drain. I guess it would really come down to the matchup and how you played it, but I don't see any glaring flaws in the plan. I would give it a shot in testing.
Twyn says... #2
I would think Far / Away would be an excellent card in this matchup, if you bounce the Master, you kill all the attacking tokens, and then can make him sac one of his devotion-producing creatures to lessen the next appearance, or set him up into a counter. Consider adding 1-2 more, see if that helps?
The card has pulled my U/B deck out of some really tight spots, hope that helps.
October 26, 2013 10:52 p.m.