Esper Sideboard help
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 23, 2013, 10:24 p.m. by xXxBigExXx
Here's my build Esper Duskmantle Mill.
I've play tested this build against Junk Reanimator and Jund Aggro game 1 over and over again, lol. The main board is fine and wins me games when I normally might not survive against these builds which Esper are weakest against them.
The thing is side boarding, like any tournament newb, is where I have a harder time. Can anyone take a look and see what would be some side board suggestions and what would be some main board cards we would side out vs different builds (Naya, Aggro, Jund Midrange, mirror, Reanimator, etc).
I think what I have may work but I'm just not entirely sure and some help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.