Esper Sphinxes
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 8, 2011, 5:32 a.m. by knilknil
Hey guys,
I've decided to work on a sphinx-based esper deck. The point is to be a casual "fun" deck, which is why it's a little large and has only one of each sphinx. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, especially regarding the mana ratio. Thank you!
insertcleverid says... #3
That looks like a lot of fun, actually. I think I'm going to steal all your good ideas. I tried to build an Esper/Sphinx deck awhile ago that was intended to be a legacy tournament deck, but gave up just because it was too slow and all the mana-ramping never quite worked. Instead I turned it into an EDH deck. deck:sphinx-uh-facts-ah-licious-needs-criticism]. I think its a total blast! Its a few days out of date as is because I got some new cards I haven't added, but the list is 95% accurate.
April 8, 2011 12:16 p.m.
Do you have any mana-ramping ideas? Right now my main strategy is to just sit behind a Wall of Denial or a Guard Gomazoa until my mana gets high enough...
April 9, 2011 6:28 a.m.
insertcleverid says... #5
Sol Ring , Dimir Signet , Orzhov Signet Azorius Signet . And Sculpting Steel can really help there, too. Anything that copies artifacts is perfect for this deck, not just mana-ramping. So Mirrorworks is a good one to have around. One of my favorites is Cloud Key , which makes anything you need cheaper.
April 9, 2011 11:20 a.m.
made a new sphinx deck based on an infinite mana combo, now it gets out sphinxes in about 4 turns.
knilknil says... #2
Here's the link:
Esper Sphinx
April 8, 2011 5:34 a.m.