Epochalyptik says... #3
Moved to Deck Help.
This is the last time I will ask you to stop spamming threads for this deck. You don't need to post a new thread every few hours. One per four days or per week is sufficient.
February 3, 2013 2:41 p.m.
It wasn't meant to be deck help..... for the love of all that's holy! It was meant to be in the one I put it in.... therefore it wouldn't of spammed the deck help forum. It also doesn't even fit it was more of a boast then a I need help with this!
February 3, 2013 2:48 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #5
See my post on your wall.
Also, a thread that asks for help with a specific deck or otherwise advertises a deck belongs in Deck Help. Standard is meant for discussion of the format as a whole, event reports from FNMs or tournaments, and pitching ideas about various cards or archetypes and their potential. That's why I moved it.
February 3, 2013 2:53 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #7
Not really. Deathtouch is a nice ability to have, but it isn't necessary, and it certainly isn't as flexible as dedicated removal spells. Usually, you'll want a card like Ultimate Price or Pillar of Flame to kill specific creatures at instant speed. Deathtouch only kills a creature if you can deal damage to that creature from the source with deathtouch.
February 3, 2013 3:25 p.m.
thats why i put in Deadly Allure but i did take some advice took out Fervor and the enchantments that gave +1/+1 counters. and added 4x Skullcrack
February 3, 2013 3:37 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #10
Deadly Allure is worse than a kill spell, though; there's no way to choose what dies unless you're blocking. It's also not really useful for anything outside of combat.
February 3, 2013 4:02 p.m.
Just tried again, You faired slightly better because of the reach having burn gave you. It was a 2-1 victory my way. You started on the play game 1 and lost, you won game 2, and game 3 i won. However Deadly allure is really not helping you. You have red, and you have black, yet your removal base is seriously lacking. Deadly allure isn't good enough because of it's situational use. Keep this in mind, if you're trying to out aggro somebody they are GOING to be blocking your creatures regardless. If you deadly allure and your creature trades with their creature, that is not efficiency because you are losing both your creature as well as the deadly allure. I'm aware it has flashback which is good, but seriously, Pillar of flame/ Searing spear/ Brimstone volley/ Mizzium Mortars/ Ultimate price/ Devour flesh/ Tribute to hunger. There are a billion removal spells out there in standard right now that work.
February 3, 2013 4:04 p.m.
Also, my recommendation is to drop the 4 skullcrack into your sideboard, replace it with searing spear. For the same mana it does the same damage to players, while being able to remove creatures.
February 3, 2013 4:06 p.m.
you mean changing it for the exile instead of prevent gain life? oh and btw took out the enchant land.... added 2 Tragic Slip instead
February 3, 2013 4:07 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #14
Skullcrack can't hit creatures; Searing Spear can.
Pillar of Flame is the one that exiles.
February 3, 2013 4:10 p.m.
I'm not really sure what the sentence "Changing it for the exile instead of prevent gain life?" means. I'm going to assume that by "exile" you mean either the card Pillar of flame or Annihilating fire over the "Prevent life gain" of skullcrack. Searing spear is 1 less mana for the same damage as Annihilating, so the spear is generally the better choice. Pillar of flame however is an excellent card that might help you survive long enough to get a relevant board position. Which for your deck is essential. You seem to have a snowball effect. Either you get an early lead and it just conglomerates until you end up winning, or you fall behind at some point and lose.
February 3, 2013 4:13 p.m.
ok so now i basically have 2 of like 5 burn spells in my deck.... once more????
February 3, 2013 4:13 p.m.
Tested it again, 2-0 victory for Boros. Aggro seems to be a really bad matchup for you. My suggestion, drop the remaining two Deadly Allure for 2 more searing spear. Drop 2 Prophetic Prism and 2 Deviant Glee for 4 Pillar of flame. Your creatures need preparation to be powerful, and that preparation can all be beaten by a single burn spell at an inopportune time. And if you're sitting at 10 life or so on your turn 3 (Which isn't particularily rare) and you go to turn 4, untap for one of your larger vampires, and it gets burnt immediately. You've lost the game. You need more burn to slow down the faster decks, and give you reach when you're facing the slower decks.
February 3, 2013 4:23 p.m.
PaPrxClipse says... #19
Mono green Elf deck beat it. I drew the nuts twice in a row, but still. Turn 4 Primal Surge is so good!
Anyway, I had enough chumps to throw under your problems long enough for me to combo out. Prophetic Prism needs to be dropped for some more burn; if you're going to play white cards, don't rely on this artifact; use actual white mana. In fact, I'd just take out white. Actual removal > Deadly Allure any day. I feel like you're trying to stuff every Vampire you can into one deck. 27 creatures is a tad excessive, especially with so few utility cards.
February 4, 2013 11:15 a.m.
Thought I took Deadly Allure out already.... oh and my deck has a new name deck:this-aint-twilight
Lorickx says... #2
Your deck is too slow to play against other aggro decks. I playtested against my Boros aggro. For the sake of giving you an idea of how it went, i'll give a general synopsis of all 3 games. Even though I'm aware it's not "You", for the sake of making it easier to type any play that your deck made I will refer to as "Your" play.
Game 1-I started on the play and curved out fast with Rakdos cackler into Ash zealot. While turn 1 you dropped Stromkirk noble and turn 2 your only play was Curse of stalked prey. I untapped, Pillar of flame killed the 2/2 noble, and a madcap skills on the cackler dropped you to 8, while i was still at 19. You had an empty board, i played it out but you didn't have any outs. Vampire nighthawk at least tried to stem the bleeding, but with madcap skills stopping him from blocking and putting you into burn range, Boros charm was more than enough.
Game 2-You started fast with Stromkirk noble, as well as rakish heirs and Nighthawk. You were looking to get a decent board position. However your creatures weren't aggressive enough, and between Searing spear/Mizzium mortars/Brimstone volley. You couldn't actually get a creature to last long enough to deal real damage. Thundermaw hit my board turn 7 or so and started a fast clock. You drew into the removal you needed. But thanks to Boros charm it was slightly too late for it to work.
My suggestion-Vampire tribal is strong, but there are some cards that are just incredible for black/red. I'd suggest dropping some of the tribal for cards like Hellrider, Falkenrath Aristocrat and Thundermaw Hellkite.
Also, your removal base is weak. Your creatures are more midrange than they are aggro, so you can't outrace when it comes to damage, so that means you're going to have to find some way to slow them down. Removal is an excellent way to do it. Cards like Pillar of flame/ Searing spear/ Brimstone volley/ Mizzium mortars are all excellent ways of doing that. Only running 3 pieces of removal really makes it far too inconsistent to rely on.
February 3, 2013 2:25 p.m.