Fine tuning for a 1k
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 6, 2012, 2:12 p.m. by vila_a23
My lgs is holding a 1k tourney the 14th and the format is standard. The deck I plan on playing is here: deck:rug-control-05-11-12-1. As the tital says, I am looking to perfect the deck! The meta I plan on playing against is littered with control variants, token decks, and Midrange creature decks.
Leaf-steel says... #3
Nightshade Peddler /Izzet Staticaster combo is TERRIBLE. Drop that whole thought, and try to get 4x Thragtusk for the main board before that tournament. If you're in green, he's almost a 100% must have. I don't even play Standard and I know this just from watching SCG opens. He comboes with Deadeye Navigator so much it hurts too.
You also have 3x and 2x Negate in the sideboard. You should fix that. I also feel Essence Scatter deserves a spot in the 75 somewhere because all midrange decks are heavy on creatures (Jund and Junk especially) and then the U/W draw-go and American tempo/control decks all rely on creatures. You counter that EoT Angel or their Thundermaw Hellkite on their turn you're good for a while.
As darkmagi said more Pillar of Flame could be good as could Cyclonic Rift .
November 6, 2012 4:36 p.m.
Peddler and staticaster are fine guys. I understand what you are thinking but hear me out, the deck needs wrath effects. The only thing it has is mortars and that can't even kill everything. The deck tests out great and if you don't believe me that it works, just check out the latest scg open top decklists. The decklist that I got the idea from made 11th place!
November 6, 2012 7:19 p.m.
Leaf-steel says... #5
I watched his deck play, and I only once saw him actually soulbind the two, and it only got to ping off a thragtusk token. It just doesn't seem that great of interaction. Not many token decks actually float around, they're fringe. So most of the time the 'board wiping' combo pings off a single creature then gets disrupted or you have one piece but not the other. If one of the two get killed or countered, you have a next-to useless creature on the board.
November 6, 2012 9:03 p.m.
I understand what your saying. Against the decks that don't have many ways to interact with the combo are the decks I need it against. I.E. creature based aggro and midrange decks. Just having Thragtusk alone is not enough to handle decks like G/W midrange. You need a way to deal with your opponents creatures AND advance your board position. On that note, Thragtusk will be worked into the deck.
Zweifox says... #2
No Nightshade Peddler please... needs another creature to do ANYTHING, otherwise it's just a 1/1 and a terrible chump blocker at that. Perhaps some more Pillar of Flame would do you well, as well as perhaps another Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius . You're low on win cons and he is an excellent one.
I might even scrap the Izzet Staticaster s unless your meta is really full of little Lingering Souls spirits or mana dorks... maybe add some Cyclonic Rift and... wait a second... you NEED Thragtusk mainboard if you have them... I repeat: NEED. The amount of value he gives you, as a control deck, is colossal, and you should not relegate this amazing green card to your sideboard even for the sake of being "different". You will be at a great disadvantage to those who do run the card mainboard if you don't!
November 6, 2012 3:55 p.m.