Finishing touches on G/W heal deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 19, 2013, 4:01 p.m. by Vieno

G/W Angelic Accordian

Looking for some advice to finish up this deck. I have 58 cards right now, and i'm thinking I could probably do without the single Gift of Immortality considering it really doesn't give me much in the end. Also, i'm still unsure on whether or not I have too much life gain spells. I absolutely need the Heroes' Reunion for a 4 turn 9/9 Voracious Wurm , Alive / Well offers not only 2 life for each creature I control (which I plan to have a lot of), but also gives me a 3/3 token which isn't too bad for 4 mana, and the life from well would be enough for a 4/4 Angel from Angelic Accord . Then there's Congregate , and that's the one heal spell I can imagine removing. While I would get a lot of life considering it's 2 life for each creature on both sides, it's also 4 mana and I already have a lot of life healing, so it feels like it could be unnecessary. Any advice you guys have to offer would be great! The advice I get here is helping me get better at magic more than anything else, so I really appreciate it!

Vieno says... #2

Oh, and I also just really noticed for the first just how much this deck revolves around tokens..would there be any token buffing cards that would help a lot? Oh, and I guess I should say that I really would like to avoid paying more than $5 or so on any set of cards. The only exclusion would be if the card is so amazing that I can't live without it.

December 19, 2013 4:05 p.m.

Vieno says... #3

Anyone have any feedback? I'm getting some terrible playtests, and it's starting to frustrate me because I can't figure out what the real problem is, or if i'm just unlucky right now.

December 19, 2013 5:38 p.m.

Vieno says... #4

Anyone? I really would like some feedback on this. I'm having a really hard time deciding if it's play worthy or not yet.

December 20, 2013 1:20 a.m.

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