Finishing Touches on Morglen Combo Deck, Any Suggestions?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 25, 2013, 9 p.m. by Rayvelion
Morglen Ramping Extort (Post-Rotation)
So I wanted to make a combo deck with Dark Prophecy that starts off strong, and can still ramp up into a very strong late-game after a couple turns with player-based enchantments and bombs like Blood Baron. The main combo in this deck is Path of Bravery + Tenacious Dead + Dark Prophecy; if you throw your TD's at them, chances are you're going to do some damage, with Crypt Ghasts, you have to leave a low amount of mana available to bring them back from the dead; all the while you gain life for every creatures, can have +1/+1 to every creature you own and you pay life for every creature you let die to get yourself a card advantage (Tenacious Dead proc Dark Prophecy even when you bring them back from the graveyard).
I feel that in combination with the sideboard, I could stand a pretty strong chance against both aggro decks using my large amount of early-game cards; and control, since I have cards that can prevent them from wiping my creature board (indestructible!)
Is there anywhere that I can cut down cards that don't serve my purpose (life gain, directly hitting opponent's life pool, card engine, mana ramping, etc.)
I haven't built this deck yet, but if my feedback proves mostly positive I'm going to try to build this deck and play it at my nearby FNM (mostly hard control decks and early aggro meta) where I can give it updates.