firs fnm
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 27, 2014, 2:12 a.m. by jaggthemiller
i have asked this a few times but now i updated it. to the way i would take it to the fnm, ( i need help on the side board) help plz , my first fnm .i cant suck to bad :P
jaggthemiller says... #3
oh sorry i thought i posted it ,lol its getting late x].....selesnya hexproof-help/read
February 27, 2014 3:50 a.m.
Oletorpedo says... #4
I've got nothing.Not really a competetive player, so sideboarding is not my forte. Akroan Skyguard is a good card to have sided, and Fiendslayer Paladin can be swapped with Witchstalker if the matchup leans that way. I would maybe get rid of the one offs in the sideboard, bevause it won't do much to side in one card against one particular matchup.
Have you considered Gift of Orzhova ? It can give you the life needed if the game goes stale, and could be an awesome enchantement to give to Fleecemane Lion or Fabled Hero .
Good luck at the FNM!
Oletorpedo says... #2
Hiya! If you don't link the deck, or at least state which deck you need help with, you're making it hard for us to help you =)
February 27, 2014 3:47 a.m.