First deck tips?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 26, 2013, 4:17 a.m. by SpookyAUSTRALIA
(sorry for the horrible layout of the post, this is my first one)
Hi, I'm planning on going to my local FNM nights and was originally going to play angels and spent a bit of money on them until I found out about standard and everything, so all the old good cards I had (Serra Avenger and stuff) have become useless unless im playing with my friends...
So I went into the city and watched some games and saw a good white/black deck using thoughtseize, Desecration Demons and a whip of Erebos... so I'm trying to re-create it, on a budget until I can slwoly aquire all the expensive cards...
So, my deck at the moment is...-Monsterx1 Ajani, Caller Of The Pridex1 Wight of Precinct Sixx1 Balustrade Spyx3 Tithe Drinkerx2 Viashino Firstbladex2 Skynight Legionnarex2 Diregraf Ghoulx3 Child of Nightx4 Desecration Demon
-Spellsx1 Sinister Possesionx3 Doom Bladex4 Duress (in place of thoughtseize)x3 Mark of the Vampirex1 Rise of the Dark Realmsx2 Elixer of Immortality (Good for keeping me going against mill decks and if I am behind and have to use my ratchet bomb to level the field)x1 ratchet Bomb (clears the field for my Rise of the Dark Realms)x1 Door of Destinies (Use doomblade and duress, +1/+1 on black creatures)x1 One Thousand Lashes (useful to drop on anything I cant deal with)
-Landsx1 Rakdos Guildgatex4 mountainx2 Boros Guildgatex4 Plainsx6 Orzhov Guildgatex5 Swamp
The obvious problems to me are my guildgates coming in tapped, but I've only been playing for a month now and only actually played 5-10 games with my friend, so I will need some help fixing this deck.
Anyway, I am posting because I want help refining this deck, picking out flaws and replacing cards. If this deck has potential, I will put some more money into it (thoughtseize x4 = $60 :/), otherwise I'll find another use for my Desecration Demons.
As mentioned it's easier to give tips when the deck can be seen as a whole, but a few quick things I spotted.
Diregraf Ghoul isn't in standard anymore. If you still desire a 2 power one drop in black Tormented Hero is basically the same card.
I would highly recommend dropping red, it's not worth making your deck slower and less consistent for just Viashino Firstblade and Skyknight Legionnaire .
The other piece of advice I have is to figure out what your decks plan is and execute and include cards for that. Decks function their best when all the cards work towards a single goal, just because a card is powerful or rare doesn't mean it need to end up in the deck. You also want to avoid running cards that are dead just because they might be good in certain match-ups - that's what the sideboard is for. Here's the ones that stood out for me.
Sinister Possession - I think there's just better cards that could be run in the slot. Another Doom Blade , Ultimate Price , etc. It's just not a good card and there are plenty of good cheap alternatives.
Mark of the Vampire - This isn't limited, people run lots of removal in their constructed decks. You're already playing a fairly heavy amount of cheap lifelinkers and running removal. Your match-up with quick aggro deck is already decent enough without opening yourself up to 2 for 1s from everything else.
Rise of the Dark Realms - I get the appeal, it's a big flash mythic, but you're not playing a deck designed to play this. First and foremost, on 22 lands this will languish in your hand for many turns, well after turn 9 on average. The deck that could potentially play something like this is a slow control deck, with 26-27 lands and lots of removal.
Elixir of Immortality - Just because it's good against mill doesn't mean it's worth mainboarding, you're going to see few mill decks in relation to everything else. This card is miserably bad if your on the defensive. 5 life might sound like just what you need, but you just traded a card to not effect the board in any way. If it had just been another creature to block or removal spell, it would save you more than 5 life usually and more importantly still trade with one of their cards.
Door of Destinies - Unfortunately, that's not how Door of Destinies works. When you choose a creature type, you have to choose a type not a color. So for example, demon or vampire. Then every time you cast another demon or vampire all your demons and vampires get stronger. It's actually not a great card even in dedicated tribal decks because of how slow it is.
October 26, 2013 11:31 a.m.
WovenNebula says... #4
I would recommend keep your deck mono color if you have the cards to do so. Since mono black, red, and blue have been doing well in tournaments that way you get a more fluent idea of what your playing since it is your first deck.
MrKnify says... #2
put your deck into the sites deck builder, link the deck with [ [deck-large:yourdeckname] ] without the spaces between the [ [ and ] ].
after you do this repost it to THIS message, you will get people to look at it. otherwise its a pain in the but to read.
October 26, 2013 5:15 a.m.