First EDH Deck suggestions
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 3, 2014, 11:39 p.m. by -Xiphos-
Ok so i want to try out the EDH format and only have Treva, the Renewer available for use. I should probably go in the direction of toying with my life & would like to hear suggestions for trying to make the deck.
nobu_the_bard says... #2
Check out Epochalyptik's profile, he has a ton of useful articles and lists and stuff that might give you some ideas/direction.
I'm not sure how I'd build Treva, the Renewer EDH. Maybe as a mini-Voltron commander with tools like Whispersilk Cloak and Rogue's Passage to help him get hits with his triggered ability, and things to grant him double strike (like Rafiq of the Many or Fireshrieker ) to get more trigger shots. Then a side of token generation to pump out defenses and colored permanents to abuse his ability (particularly if you can get mostly green or white tokens?).
You'd probably need a lot of ramp because that stuff I suggested looks expensive mana-wise, but luckily you have green!
Maybe throw one or more of the color wash instants in for a laugh- Sea Kings' Blessing , Heaven's Gate , Sylvan Paradise plus Wash Out because of the combo potential.
March 4, 2014 10:44 a.m.