First FNM and would like help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 12, 2013, 3:38 p.m. by RockinDinosaur

So i am going to participate in my first FMN standard this week, and i know which deck i want to bring. I have a large collection of standard cards so any help to make my Izzet deck more competitive would be greatly appreciated

Izzet raid

osoling says... #2

Your deck looks pretty solid. Until you get to your shop and see how people play there, you're not really gonna know. My advice? Go, have a great time, and don't get upset when you lose. Because you will. But you'll have a ton of fun and learn a lot. I thought I was a good play before I started FNM. Man, I SUCKED! Now, I still lose constantly, but I am getting better.

FNM is about having a good time. After your round, ask your opponent what he or she side-boarded against you. Ask where you could have played better, or if they saw any strategy that you didn't notice. FNM is for that exact type of thing. The folks in my shop are always helping me out. I have had 5 guys looking at my deck, lending me cards to try out, showing me things, all right before the first pairings. (Which sucks when you have to play against them in the first round!)

So, have a great time at FNM. Let us know how it goes!

November 12, 2013 9:05 p.m.

Interwebcat says... #3

Teleportal + Armed / Dangerous + Nivix Cyclops = Big punch to the face.

November 12, 2013 11:47 p.m.

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