first fnm in 18 years
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 13, 2013, 1:36 p.m. by Replayced
So as the title states, I haven't been to a fnm in ages. In fact the last time I went it wasn't even sanctioned yet. I know I'm old.
I have been toying with a deck since RtR released in hopes of getting some time off work to attend fnm. I attempted azorius tempo, then azorius control. Neither were very strong. So now I built In Debt To China. I don't expect to win first place, but I also don't want to look foolish. I would love to get some feedback on the deck. It is budget, so please don't recommend $20+. (I have too many kids, and I'm paying college tuition for 2)
Also a couple ?s about fnm. What is the general entrance fee for standard constructed format? And what prizes are there? Is it just promo cards, or do they give packs as prizes too?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give this geezer.
Myogenesis says... #2
My LGS (local game shop) entrance fee is $5 for standard, and besides the promo cards this entrance fee goes towards packs or store credit for the top ~5 players (depends how many people show).
Although FNM is relaxed remember to cut your opponent's deck, or let them cut yours before drawing, roll before looking at your hand etc etc., just the random etiquette that is expected even at FNM.
Deck looks good, have fun!
November 13, 2013 2:13 p.m.