First FNM in A WHILE tomorrow night. Need help w/ deck!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 20, 2014, 7:39 p.m. by SirJordanPaul
This is the deck that I plan on playing tomorrow night:Sounds of Silence
I took a break from Standard for a while and have been playing Modern instead. This is my first bout with Standard for some time and would love to receive help in the form of suggestions for last minute improvements and the current meta I can probably expect at FNM. Thanks in advance everyone!
Sloanan says... #2
I know Xathrid Necromancer can give you tokens and such, but do you have anything else you'd be willing to sac for Cartel Aristocrat to work? It could work as is, but I'd almost want some sort of token generator if you plan on using her for her protection ability. I know Gift of Immortality will do the trick once you enchant something with it, but if you're not pulling it, then I don't know if she's that good of a card for the deck. I can definitely see it working when you get the right card combo going, but until then I'm not sure how I feel about her.
February 20, 2014 10:07 p.m.