First Post! New here!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 16, 2014, 1:51 p.m. by MSi
Hey all, Just discovered this treasure trove, thought I'd drop in say hello, post a deck for suggestions and get a feel for the community.
Lot's of inputting to do still, but here's my first GGW deck, one of my top 2 "go to" decks for the kitchen table games.
I have 5 total built decks that I'm working on refining and about 2 or so more I want to try building but more on that some other time!
Thanks for the tip!
I Usually fair well in longer games due to the populate/life gain from the Tablet of the Guilds + Primeval Bounty + Trostani's Summoner Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage Combo's.
I have the most trouble with aggro decks, and control decks, my aim is to overrun with creatures/tokens before that happens, with a heap of life added each time I drop one. Usually though in t3/t4/t5 aggro decks win out over my creatures and control decks have me mana-starved. I've fought against a great Blue/White Detain/arrest deck and managed a win but flying and fast paced decks can put a hurt on.
I also have thought about some bigger creatures in this deck, to replace the Risen Sanctuary Mistcutter Hydra , Protean Hydra , Polukranos, World Eater , Kalonian Hydra and Arbor Colossus come to mind.
I do like running GW creatures and spells for the Tablet of the Guilds so anything running those devotions is going to be plus as well.
All in all I'm just looking for a good balance between big early swings and life gain. No white spells if I can help it.
January 16, 2014 4:18 p.m.
Increasing your numbers of Centaur Healer and Fleecemane Lion will cause problems for the aggro decks.
Mistcutter Hydra and Skylasher will cause problems for control decks or mono-blue devotion decks.
ChiefBell says... #2
If you want better advice it's easier if you say what you're struggling with. Which matchups give you difficulty etc.
Also to link a deck put 2 square brackets around the 'slug' (which is like the name).
[ [ healer-gw ] ]
withought spaces becomes
Healer GW
January 16, 2014 3:35 p.m.