first time deck build
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 9, 2021, 9:09 p.m. by Aurae34
Hi This is my first time building a deck. I want to build a blue/black Dimir deck, and was wondering what is the best way to got about it? All advice, tips and suggestions welcome. Thanks
Omniscience_is_life says... #3
I'm assuming you're wanting to build a "casual" deck--if this is indeed the case, your 60 cards should be divided as such:
24 Lands (5ish that can tap for both and ).
7-8 cards that draw more cards.
5+ cards that destroy, exile, or otherwise deal with your opponents' threats. Since you have access to blue spells, "countermagic" like Counterspell is also an option.
15ish little creatures/spells that can start whittling away at your opponents' life total.
6 "finishers"--in other words, big spells that can help end the game, like Clackbridge Troll or something,
The rest can be whatever fun, silly cards you like to play. Don't get too caught up on making your deck unstoppable, this game is primarily just to have a good time. Enjoy yourself!
December 9, 2021 9:32 p.m.
Aurae34 Welcome to the club! To start off, I have a few questions.
How much experience do you have playing? Have you used other people's decks? Have you ever sat in on a draft?
What do you like about in particular?
Do you want to learn how to compete in tournaments, or do you want to play casually with friends?
There are some basic deckbuilding tips and rules of thumb. First, a typical deck will want 23-26 lands. Faster, more aggressive decks tend to need fewer lands than more controlling decks. Second, don't overload on flashy but mana-hungry spells. You don't want too many spells that cost four or more mana. Third, balance your lands with your spells. If you have too many Islands, you won't be able to cast any of your black spells easily. Find the right color proportion.
Your chosen color combination tends to be reactive, controlling, flexible, and have a low to moderate number of creatures. Its general strengths are card draw, tricky creatures, and efficiently removing a variety of problems. On the other hand, its creatures tend to be small, and it can be slow to generate threats of its own. Try starting with a deck of 25 lands, 19 creatures, and 16 other cards and see how that feels.
Above all, have fun!
December 9, 2021 9:35 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #5
Depends entirely on format, budget, preferences, and potential archetypes.
For example, you could go a typical control style deck, but you can also be midrangey, aggressive, or even a combo deck. You can be tribal with zombies, or be an artifact based build.
December 9, 2021 9:48 p.m.
Hey man, like Jordan said, is pretty damn good if you want to test a deck or get some proxies. I ordered a bunch there
Balaam__ says... #2
You’re going to want to pick a format to construct it in, be it Modern, Standard, Commander etc. and then have a basic idea of what you want the deck to do. That’s the absolute minimum you’ll need before you even think about starting a deck build.
December 9, 2021 9:19 p.m.