Fixing problems

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 10, 2013, 12:11 p.m. by Three-Left-Feet

Mono-U Devotion

So, the deck is good overall (I mean I net-decked a tournament winner..), but I'm noticing some overall flaws.

As soon as a deck pulls out Elspeth, Sun's Champion , I'm pretty much just dead...

And Cloudfin Raptor is nothing but a burden mid/late-game.

I'm thinking about making the deck a dual-color deck, which might hurt the Devotion a bit, but i don't want to wait until side-boarding to answer all my problems, and then still not be able to solve them.

I'd love some opinions on this, if I should splash colors (like W for Detention Sphere , or B for kill spells and Thoughtseize ), or if I should just add more spells like Cyclonic Rift and whatever else comes to mind.

Badhand says... #2

my advice is to pull 1 cloudfin raptor, 2 judge's familiar, 1 master of the waves. add in 3 Dissolve and 1 more Cyclonic Rift . dissolve and rift let you stall and remove elspeth.

cloudfin and judge basically serve the same function as one drop devotion bumps so there's no need for 8 total of both.

master of waves is good but your win con is usually thassa. consider swapping rapid hybridization for Curse of the Swine since curse can get rid of gods in addition to hitting multiple targets, and your Frostburn Weird can win fights against the 2/2 tokens.

December 10, 2013 1:15 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #3

Mono blue hasn't been doing as well now, since people realised how to deal with it. If you splash then you lose having the heavy devotion aspect. Devotion decks are really hard to get right and sort of force you into a card-choice dead end where you have better options in other colours but can't use them for fear of ruining your devotion. Tough archetype to get right.

December 10, 2013 1:29 p.m.

CW says... #4

Alt text

December 10, 2013 1:54 p.m.

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