Flash Deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 14, 2013, 11:21 a.m. by wragusa

I want to make a Deck that uses Alot of flash creatures.I am just looking for some deck ideas. I want all creatures to have flash in some way

right now this is what i am thinking 4x Snapcaster4 Wolfier avenger.Clearly 4 cards does not make a deck

Ruric says... #2

Yeva, Nature's Herald this would be a nice addition maybe 3 copies is good enough

June 14, 2013 11:27 a.m.

wragusa says... #3

I like that idea. I am thinking two of them.However if my creatures will have flash is it worth the cost ?

June 14, 2013 11:38 a.m.

Ruric says... #4

i think if you are playing creatures as instant you should look for creatures that does something whenever they come into play, that way they will have more worth when you play them in response to something, like:

Elvish Visionary

Woodfall Primus

Sylvan Primordial

or even creatures with soulbound ability would be nice

June 14, 2013 12:20 p.m.

wragusa says... #5

I love the idea of the elvish.Thank you!

June 14, 2013 1:03 p.m.

Mythimine says... #6

If you wouldn't mind a third color, Restoration Angel and Deputy of Acquittals aren't horrible in my opinion. Alongside Thragtusk with Yeva, Nature's Herald they are pretty fun.

June 14, 2013 2:13 p.m.

wragusa says... #7

yea i am actually thinking of 3 Colors.This deck will be for Casual play format legacy.

June 14, 2013 2:21 p.m.

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