Flashback deck help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 23, 2011, 9:42 p.m. by gheridarigaaz

Considering flashback cards to incorporate into the deck... yes its missing the important ones like, Think Twice , Forbidden Alchemy and Dream Twist . the deck specifically uses sorceries. this makes sembelance-anvil reduce the cost of the flashback spells and lets me unleash Past in Flames and a lot of pain in one swing. cant decide what to keep in though, it slows the enemy with mana disruption.


bcurran says... #2

How about adding some lands?

October 23, 2011 11:44 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #3

i need to weed out what doesn't work as well for this theme. ideally its going to be about 24 lands but i cant get the mana balanced until i know what i'm keeping

October 24, 2011 9:11 a.m.

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