Fnm decent deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 14, 2013, 12:18 a.m. by Nathan711

Hey guys. This is going to be a broad request and hopefully I don't get too flamed. I recently got back into mtg. And went to play fnm with a slow Boros aggro deck I half ass built and as you guessed, did quite bad. I would like to be able to expand it or start a whole new deck. I jus want a decent deck that won't have me going 0-2 every round. But it doesn't need to be a 700 dollar selesnya deck. Any opinions on where I should start ?

pumpkinsword says... #2

Play RDW, you can build it fairly cheaply. Check out mine: 5-Color Wins as a start.

October 14, 2013 12:32 a.m.

Slycne says... #3

Need more information than that in order to be really helpful.

If you'd like suggestions on your Boros deck we'd need to see the deck list, and in order to suggest decks in general I'd be helpful to know what kind of decks you like to play. You mention $700 like budget is a concern, what's your limit?

October 14, 2013 12:36 a.m.

Nathan711 says... #4

My limit (sorry for the vague ness) is around 125-150 as far as my Boros deck its late And not around. So lets say we start from scratch with 140 bucks

October 14, 2013 12:39 a.m.

pumpkinsword says... #5

Mine is around that and you probably have most of the stuff from your Boros deck already.

October 14, 2013 12:43 a.m.

Nathan711 says... #6

I like to play aggro , but I'm open to anything really, mid range . Populate, anything really

October 14, 2013 12:43 a.m.

Nathan711 says... #7

I've played Boros a lot. So i am looking for something new, but at the same time would like to save money haha. I like the 5 color deck pumpkinsword definitely an option. One thing I've always wanted to try is a mana ramping deck.

October 14, 2013 12:52 a.m.

pumpkinsword says... #8

The thing with the mana ramp type decks are you need planeswalkers which are more expensive. I'm still working on getting the cards for GRUUL SMASH THE GODS. Basically, ramp into big things with planeswalkers to support you.

October 14, 2013 1 a.m.

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